Episode 23
“Jenny? When?” I said, trying to feign ignorance.
Kelvin smiled. “So many things were going on yesterday,” Kelvin said, keeping his eyes on the road, “So many things, I…or rather We…that is Obi and I, made a wrong assumption yesterday, thinking you guys had found us out, how we were stealing from the company. I made the wrong assumption about Obi and myself and now I still feel him withdrawing from my touch like I’m some sort of leper even though he is trying very hard to be civil.
A lot of wrong assumptions were made yesterday. I want to believe you and Jenny made the wrong assumption about something too.”
“She must have been talking about Sidney, Mr. Bell’s leopard,” I said quietly.
“And when I said I loved Obi, I must have meant it in a ‘brotherly’ way.” Kelvin replied and laughed a little. “I’m not silly, Mr. Chuks. Maybe it’s because I’m g@y, but I’ve noticed you regard Jenny as more of a sister than anything else. Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely a spark between you two but I think it’s coming more from her than from you. And that is saying something.
I’ve never seen her work so hard to get a man to notice her the way she does with you.
And I can tell you two have something going on that is beyond a relationship that you aren’t telling any of us.”
I said nothing.
Kelvin sighed and tried again. “This morning, the police called at our place. They wanted Mr. Bells to come to the station and answer a few questions. Apparently they had ascertained that the old man was not only killed by a wild animal, but that he might not have been the first either. Another girl had recently reported being drugged and almost eaten by a leopard the night before. Now, we all know Mr. Bells wouldn’t do that sort of thing; not with Sidney. That would make Sidney a man-eater and all the more difficult to control among people within the premises in the daytime.
So it’s got to be another leopard. And Jenny was accusing Obi yesterday of being the leopard, or something like that. Come on, Man.
Tell me what’s going on!”
“You are going to think we are crazy…” I said.
“I’m g@y. I married my wife so I could blend in with societal norms. I’m not in the least bit attracted to Jenny although I think she is beautiful enough to be a mammi-water.”
Kelvin grinned. “I’m used to crazy stuff.”
And so I told him everything. Well, not everything, I didn’t tell him about Jenny’s abilities or mine. I did however tell him that we were on the lookout for a man who could transform into a leopard, who had an accomplice and who worked closely with the company. I watched him as I spoke, looking out for any manifestation that would send out an alarm signal, but none came. He listened to my story and suddenly turned into a side street and parked the car.
“That is some serious sh1t” He said, and I nodded and said, “So you think we are crazy.”
“Yeah, I do.” Kelvin said and smiled. “But that’s just my opinion. Stranger things have happened in this old world of ours. It’s more likely we have a wild animal on the loose, that’s all. It still requires the same level of caution though.”
“Yeah, I guess. “ I said flatly. “That’s her house.” He said, pointing to a building. “She was able to make a deal with the landlord to rent the place for as long as we are working in asaba. Don’t ask me how she did it. I’ll wait here while you go check on her."
I came down and walked towards the building.
It was a fairly new edifice, modern design with four apartments merged into one building.
The compound was floored with interlocking tiles and some flowers planted modestly around to give the place an aesthetic appeal.
There were no cars in the driveway, and save for a child playing out in front of the house, no one else was in sight.
I walked up to the child and asked if anyone was at home. The little boy looked at me fearfully and said no, then got up and ran into the last apartment. There was some noise and soon a large, stockily built man tying an orange wrapper came out.,
“Yes, Oga. Can I help you?” he asked. I asked if he knew the whereabouts of the lady in the first house. He shook his head.
“She no come house yesterday o, up to the time when I lock gate I no see am. Na me be the caretaker of this place.”
“Alright sir, thank you sir.” I said, and went back to the car.
“She’s not here.” I said, entering the car. I must have looked very worried because Kelvin patted me on my shoulder and said, “Don’t worry man, we’ll find her. She couldn’t have gone far, right?”
I nodded quietly and we headed back to the firm.
What had happened to Jenny? Surely if she had planned on going anywhere she would have told me first? What if whoever had set D16 on fire had come for her? My mind was in turmoil as I thought of the possibilities of her whereabouts.
When we got back, Kelvin took his time to park his car properly then just as I was about to come out he grabbed me by the shoulder.
“If anyone is the man-animal, it’ll be Mr. Daniel.” Kelvin said, his voice dead serious. “He’s ruthless enough, and yesterday when you guys had left he continued to rant about you, how you came to usurp his position, saying things like he’ll deal with you.
He’s a recklessly careless type, if there is anything like that. I believe he’ll not hesitate to do whatever it takes to secure his own selfish intentions. “
“Thanks, I’ll keep my eyes open.” I said and he nodded and let go.
We went into the firm and I was about to enter my office when Chioma popped her head out of hers.
“Mr. Chukwudi, can we see for a moment?” she said. I hesitated momentarily. Now really wasn’t a good time. But in the end I consented and entered her office.
Chioma as usual was swearing her skirt suit outfit; although this time it was pure white with a dark green shirt inside. Her red chiffon didn’t match at all with anything she was wearing and that oddly made her look smart and pretty. She motioned for me to sit and I did.
I felt like I was about to be interviewed for something.
“Thanks so much for your time,” she said, walking briskly to her fridge. “Can I get you something chilled? I have soft drinks and water in here.”
“A big bottle of stout will do.” I said, and she paused. I watched her, amused despite myself.
“I was only kidding, Chioma.” I said and she visibly relaxed. “Seriously, you set yourself up for teasing sometimes.”
“Do I?” she said, bringing out a coke and a bottle of cold water.
“I don’t do it intentionally. I’ve always been a clutz and kind of a spoiler around people. I don’t do it intentionally, it just happens. Maybe because I feel shy or inadequate.”
“Do I make you feel shy or inadequate?” I asked.
She looked up from the water she had been opening for me and her lower lips trembled a bit as she tried to laugh.
“No-o! You are a nice guy. You would hardly make anyone feel inadequate. You are a nice guy.”
“Yeah, and you’ve been repeating your sentences ever since I sat down.”
If she was any fairer I’m sure I would have seen her blush to the roots of her hair. “I do that when I’m nervous. I’m sorry.”
“For what?” I said, “It’s a free world. And I’m kind of enjoying this side of you. Usually when I see you outside you sound very sure of yourself.”
“I do?” she said smiling. I smiled back. I saw she was gradually relaxing. I honestly didn’t want her to feel awkward around me. Also I needed her to relax so I could see beyond the wooden cross that was now currently burning brightly above her head.
She handed me the glass of water and I thanked her. She took a glass herself and drank it in one gulp. I watched her, feeling more endeared to her as each second passed. Sure, she was awkward and clumsy but in a cute kind of way. She took a deep breath and looked me in the face.
“Be careful around Jenny.” She said suddenly.
I said nothing. I watched her as she said it and it was obvious she was expecting a kind of response from me. When I didn’t say anything she faltered a bit.
“Did you hear what I said? She whispered. “Be careful around Jenny.”
“Why?” I asked.
She drew closer to me across the desk and I had the strong urge to draw closer too so I did.
It seemed silly though as we were all alone in the office with no one to hear us except the walls.
“I think…she is a mermaid!” Chioma said.
I paused, watching her carefully. She was still looking at me, probably gauging my reactions to see how she would proceed.
“Why do you think that?” I asked.
“Because I see her like that at times. I see her complete with her tail and everything. I don’t think she has harmed anybody but –“
“You saw her tail?” I asked in surprise.
Chioma sat back in her chair. “I’m not crazy.” She said, pouting her lips. “I wouldn’t have said anything it’s just that you have a nice spirit, I could feel it ever since you got in here and I don’t want her influencing you the wrong way-“
“How can you see her tail?!” I demanded.
She was quiet for a while. Her eyes slowly opened wider as a realization dawned on her.
Then she said, “You said that like you actually believed me. Like you already knew…”
Suddenly the door burst open.
“Hi!” Jenny said poking her head through and smiling like she had just won a million dollars, “Heard you’ve been looking for me.
What’s up?”
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Must Read: The Claw, The Tail, And The Cross. [completed]
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