14-year-old Girl in Critical Condition After Her Pastor Allegedly Impregnated Her Before Giving Her Ab0rtion Pills

A little girl is on the verge of losing her life after a Lagos-based pastor reportedly impregnated her and gave her abortion pills to take. 

A Lagos based pastor, Lewa Timothy of First Born Of The Spirit Ministries, Lagos, has been arrested and will be arraigned at a Lagos state magistrate court for allegedly having s*x and impregnating 14 year old Chineye, the daughter of one of his members.

According to a report by LIB, the lawyer handling the case, Barrister Kingsley Ughe, General Council of the Joint Action Legal Aids, an NGO said Chineye is a student and an ardent worshipper of the church. She became very close to the pastor so much so that he entrusted her with his protocols in the church.

According to Ughe, the parents of the girl said the pastor would lavish the little girl with new clothes, shoes, expensive phones but they did not raise an eyebrow as they thought he was being charitable. Tongues started wagging about sex romps and unholy passion between the accused pastor and little Chineye. No one believed it until on Wednesday May 31st when Chineye suddenly complained of dizziness and pains in the abdomen while in class. Then she started bleeding. She was rushed to a hospital where during examination, she confessed to the doctors that she was pregnant and had been given some colored pills by the pastor to swallow.

Her parents were contacted and they also contacted the pastor. The accused clergyman got angry and brought in the police. He arrested the victim, her parents and some other persons...14 people in all, for "threat to life".

According to Ughe, his organization was contacted and they immediately began legal procedures. The police according to him had initially attempted to cover up for the accused pastor. It was after they came into the scene that the police released the arrested persons and in turn arrested the accused pastor who was transferred to the Lagos state CID, Panti, Yaba Lagos yesterday.

When interrogated, the Pastor said he only had sex with her once and that was two years ago when she was 12. He has denied having sex with her in recent times.

Meanwhile Chineye has been transferred to LASUTH Ikeja late night. Ughe said he spoke with one of the doctors that battled to stabilize her last night. He confirm she is in a stable but critical condition. The extent of damage to her womb is not known yet.

Meanwhile the accused pastor will be arraigned before a Magistrate court today June 2nd.

How Man Robbed Facebook Lover After Marathon S£x in a Lagos Hotel

A woman found herself in trouble after engaging in marathon s*x with a Facebook lover who robbed her of her money and phone. 
Raymond Benson stole from the lover after marathon s*x

A man, Raymond Benson has been arrested and charged before a Lagos Court for allegedly luring his female Facebook lover, Temitope Ibrahim to an hotel and later dispossessed her of her properties after engaging her in a marathon s*x.

According to PM Express, the sad incident happened in a popular hotel located at Governor Road in Ikotun, a suburb of Lagos where Benson resides. It was gathered that the two met through Facebook chatting and they became friends after which he invited her to his base for a drink up.

Raymond then took Temitope to a hotel where they lodged and engaged in a s*x romp through the night. In the morning while Temitope was still sleeping because of the romp, Benson reportedly stole her bag containing phone and cash worth N150,000 and escaped.

When she woke up, she could not find neither her properties nor Benson, her host. She was stranded and later went to the police Station at Ikotun division to report of the incident.

Benson was trailed and eventually arrested and detained at the Station.

During interrogation, he admitted stealing her phone but didn’t take any money as the victim claimed. Benson who hails from Imo State was later charged to court with felony and stealing under the Criminal Code.

He pleaded not guilty.

The presiding Magistrate, Mrs J.O.E Adeyemi granted him bail in the sum of N50,000 with two sureties in like sum. Benson was remanded in prison custody pending when he will perfect his bail.

Peter Okoye Puts His Banana Island Mansion On Display After Davido Said They Live In Old House

Pop singer, Peter Okoye of Psquare musical duo has put their newest mansion in Banana Island, Lagos State on display, few days after singer, Davido threw shade on them on social media.

The Aye crooner insinuated that the twin brother are busy acquiring expensive cars, while living in old house.

He said…

“How do you live here but drive this sh(t,” the stunned singer asked Okoye. “How do you live here but drive all this?” Someone else said ‘The house don’t match the car”

“It is well @davidoofficial because I have light and Water 24Hours. and is central in Victoria Island and. I’m a landlord Paid in full . 1004 Estate una go pay me for this advert. In few weeks I will surprise U. #VI landlord,” Paul replied.

However, Peter took Instagram to share a photo of his Banana Island mansion, apparently to reply Davido.

Dbanj’s new born son has already started ‘talking’ (photos)

- Dbanj’s baby son Daniel is already proving to be a fan favorite

- Less than 2 weeks old, he already has his own Instagram account

- He has even started ‘talking’

Many still haven’t gotten over the fact that the Kokomaster Dbanj is a married man so when news broke that he had welcomed his first child, they had to accept that another woman has Dbanj’s heart.

Dbanj has since named his son Daniel Oyebanjo III after himself and judging by his opening of an Instagram account for him, it appears he wants to raise him in the footsteps of DJ Khaled.

Dbanj and his son Daniel

The international DJ is famous for the way he involves his son Asahd in his day to day activities. He regularly takes him on trips, and Asahd is even the executive producer of his upcoming album. Eja nla is doing the same.

DJ Khaled and his son Asahd

Baby Daniel’s Instagram account that was opened earlier this week already has over 5, 510 followers and that number will increase in no time.

He has even started commenting on his dad’s photos!

Talk about father son love.

Davido Dishes Out A Brand New Video “Fall”

DMW has officially released the music video to Davido’s latest single “Fall” which dropped earlier today, 2nd  of June.

The captivating video was directed by Daps. After the success of his last single “IF” Davido is about to take over the industry once again with the release of “Fall”.

Late actress to be buried June 7

The late actress' remains and her baby will arrive Lagos from Canada on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, to family members only.

Moji Olaiya

Late Nollywood actress Moji Olaiya will be buried on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, at the Ebony Vault, Ikoyi Cemetery.

The late actress' remains and her baby will arrive Lagos from Canada on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, to family members only.

Moji Olaiya  

Nigerian Celebrities Who Have Helped Fans Financially

Despite the economy of the nation, a number of the Nigeria celebrities have shown appreciation to their social media followers in remarkable ways .

list of Nigerian celebrities whose fans can testify to their acts of generosity.

1. Don Jazzy

The music report producer has been marked for aiding broke Nigerians especially students on social media. This was confirmed from his twitter account as he blessed a fan on Twitter with N250,000 to start out her enterprise final December.

2. Toke Makinwa

The media personality and best selling author have blessed the life of her fans with various sums ranging from N50k and N10k. Her fans can testify to her act of generosity which brings her into this record.

3. Davido

The Omo Baba Olowo’s fans has attested to his acts of generosity on social media.

On one exceptional event, Davido gifted an Instagram fan, Jide Sanyaolu, a token of N1 million when he wanted cash to return to high school. More recently, he helped a 5-Year-Old boy who could sing his song ‘If’ return back to school.

4. Wizkid

Nigerian Pop star, Wizkid gave his fans a surprise when he dashed out one million naira and specifically gave out N250k for Fan with Tattoo of Wizkid’s Face on his Chest.

5. Runtown

The “Mad Over You” crooner did not only reply a fan’s tweet on Twitter but also credited his account with 20,000 naira for his final year project.

6. Kate Henshaw

A fan cried out to Nollywood actress Kate Henshaw on Twitter, lamenting how she is broke and the actress should send her some money and the delectable actress obliged.

7. Adekunle Gold

Singer, Adekunle Gold, surprised a die hard fan with a token of N10k, to purchase his new album, ‘Gold.’ The said fan, had tweeted about being unable to download the Adekunle Gold’s new album, as she was not going to join the lots who downloaded the album illegally.

The singer, eventually came across the tweet and asked that she send her account details, and in no time credited her account with N10k for the purchase of his album.


‘My husband pushed me into adultery; now I can’t stop’

Helen is sleeping with Bayo after her husband practically pushed her into adultery. But now, she can’t get out of the adulterous affair.

My name is Helen, a 34-year-old woman. I have been married for 10 years with three lovely kids but as I write this, that marriage that was once happy is heading for the rocks.
The reason for this is that I am neck deep in adultery and it is affecting my marriage and family.
I know many will blame me for allowing myself to fall into the temptation but before you condemn me, you will have to hear me out.
My husband, Felix, actually pushed me into the arms of another man and since then, I have found it difficult to stop.
It happened about two years ago when Felix changed and became quite something else. The once loving husband and father suddenly became a monster, keeping different women, going away for weeks without telling me where he was.
Anytime I complained, he would beat me up for daring to question him. I knew something was amiss and tried my best to get him to talk but he refused.
I later found out that he was dating another woman and had rented an apartment for her and was taking care of her kids.
When I confronted him with my findings, instead of being sober, Felix descended on me and sent me out of his house in the middle of the night.
I was so disturbed and worried that I did not know when I agreed to start seeing Bayo who had been disturbing me for a relationship for years, even though he knew I was married.
Without meaning to, I fell in love with Bayo and he proved to be the exact opposite of my husband. Bayo was always there for me and paid attention to my problems.
Even when family members intervened and I went back to my home, I still found time to be with Bayo.
At the initial stage, I had told myself I just needed a shoulder to lean on but as it has turned out, I have fallen in love with Bayo and even at the risk of losing my marriage, I can’t give him up.

Pathetic Story of How Displaced Women, Fleeing Hunger Were Raped in Camps

He was thin but strong, in a new uniform and boots. After forcing his way into Hawo’s ragged shelter the man put a gun to her throat, then raped her, twice. 

“Mentally, I can see him,” Hawo said, recalling the late-night March assault in Dusta, a camp in the southwestern city of Baidoa for Somalis displaced by drought and hunger.

As he raped her in her home made of sticks, plastic and old fabrics, Hawo’s youngest child, a breast-feeding baby, cried while her two other children slept.

Dusta runs right up to the fence of a fortified compound housing troops from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which is fighting the Shabaab, an Al-Qaeda-aligned insurgency committed to overthrowing the internationally-backed government in Mogadishu.

However, residents say no one offers protection, not AMISOM, not the army, not the regional militia and not local nor UN police. AMISOM refused to comment.

Most of those living in Dusta are women and children from Shabaab-controlled areas who came to the regional capital in search of food, water and medical care.

An AFP tally of figures given by two local NGOs shows at least 54 displaced women raped and sexually assaulted this year in the camps, which have mushroomed around Baidoa as the country teeters on the brink of famine.

Both men in uniform and civilians have been implicated.

Muhudin Daud Isack, who works for ISHA, a local human rights organisation, said the majority of the assailants were soldiers, using the threat of their weapons and the power of their uniforms against the displaced women.

“When they get the chance, they rape,” he said.

Farhiyo Ahmed Mohamed, a Somali police officer who heads a special Gender Unit, concedes that men in uniform have been involved in such attacks.

She points to a case of rape earlier this year in the town of Goof Gaduud, outside Baidoa, in which a soldier was convicted and jailed.

However she accused NGOs of lying about the rate of rape in the camps to get more funding and denied the camps were unsafe, pointing to a police station near Hanano 2 camp.

This is just one of the 168 camps scattered across Baidoa that hold more than 155,000 people.

– Gang rape –
Somalia has been mired in civil war for decades and while international support is helping rebuild national institutions, such as the army and police, the process is gradual and incomplete.

One night in January, nine women in another camp, Buur fuule 2, were raped by a gang of men in civilian clothes wielding guns and knives.

Each woman was dragged from her shelter and raped multiple times by different men, according to ISHA, which has taken up their case.

In separate interviews, five of the women shared similar accounts of the night’s violence. Two said their husbands were held at gunpoint during the rapes, while neighbours were also threatened into silence.

A 37-year-old victim of the attack said rape was common, though mass rape was not. She mentioned another woman in the camp, who was raped a few days earlier and so badly beaten that she had to be taken to hospital.

Another NGO, the Somali Children Welfare and Rights Watch (SCWRW), showed AFP a list of 45 women raped and sexually assaulted this year.

Aid agencies acknowledge the growing problem of sexual assaults on the most vulnerable, but say Somalia’s multilayered crisis means other problems are given priority.

“The recent influx of displaced families, who have fled the food crisis in the region, has resulted in an increase in rape attacks and other gender-based violence,” said Evelyn Aero, of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) charity.

“Programmes that aim to improve protection of women are generally underfunded,” she said, “even though attacks, such as gender-based violence, increase during emergencies.”

– No shelter, no safety –
Hawo said that despite being raped by a soldier, she wants armed security in Dusta.

Since her attack in March, she has moved her shelter closer to the AMISOM perimeter and feels safer. Others said sturdy homes of stone and tin — not flimsy huts of rags and sticks — was what they wanted, not more men with guns.

“Shelter, or the lack of it, has very far-reaching implications,” said Gavin Lim, a protection officer with the UN refugee agency (UNHCR).

“Beyond survival, shelter is necessary to provide security and ensure personal safety and protection, and to ensure privacy and dignity, especially for women and girls.”

But as the drought deepens and the threat of famine looms larger the dangers are set to grow.

More than 377,000 were uprooted in the first three months of 2017, taking the number of those internally displaced by conflict and drought in Somalia to more than a million, a figure the UNHCR expects to triple by the end of this year.

‘I Had S*x With A Married Woman; Now My Manhood Is Dead’ | Read The Interesting Story

This should be a big lesson to men who love sleeping with other people’s wives.

My name is Emmanuel, a 38-year-old man. I live and work with a shipping line in Lagos State. I have a problem I wish to share with your esteemed readers with the hope that I will get a solution.

Apart from wanting a solution to my problems, I also want to issue this warning to all men to avoid married women like the plague because once a woman is married, she should be out of reach and not for any other man apart from her husband.

I learned my lessons the hard way and I do not want other men to fall victims of the shenanigans of women.

I met Amaka at a wedding reception two years ago and though I did not initially have any intentions of hitting on her, she came so strong on me and before I knew it, we had exchanged numbers and contacts.

I had forgotten about her when two days later, she called me and said she would like to see me again. She told me she had fallen in love with me and would not want me to stay away from her.

That weekend, she came to my house and stayed till Sunday when she left. That was when I knew she was a married woman with three kids. She told me she was having issues with her husband who never appreciated her and starved her of s*x.

She added that all she wanted was a man who would be willing and ready to satisfy her sexually. Before she left, she gave me a huge amount of money and promised me more as long as I was there for her.

In my stupidity, I thought I had found a meal ticket and what would I stand to lose? Was it not just to keep having s*x with her?

How wrong I was. Barely six months into the adulterous affair, I got a text message from a man who claimed to be her husband, warning me to stay away from his wife or I would not end up well.

The next time Amaka came, I showed her the message and she confessed that her husband had gone through her messages and found out we were dating. But she assured me that there was nothing to fear as her husband was just blowing hot air.

But not long after that, the man proved himself. It happened when my fiancee who had been in school, came to visit me. When it was time to have s*x, I noticed that my manhood refused to get erect no matter what she did to me.

I attributed it to work stress but the next time, it was still the same. I became worried because my manhood had never failed me. Tried as much as we did, it would not get up.

A few days later, I went to see my doctor and after running a test on me, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me and advised I should not worry about it as that could cause more anxiety.

It is now getting to four months since the problem started and my fiancee who could not take it any longer dumped me.

I have taken different drugs, gone to prostitutes to see if my manhood would rise but to no avail. In my desperation, I went to a native doctor who told me the husband of the woman I slept with had ‘locked’ my manhood and there was was nothing he could do.
I have been running from pillar to post in search of a solution but nothing has changed.

End of the road for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Due To Lack Of Sponsorship

Popular TV Quiz gameshow, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be going on a temporary hiatus, due to a lack of sponsorship. The show, whi...

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