Music star sponsors 5 year old's schooling and accommodation

Davido has taken up the little man's schooling.

R Kelly remixes Davido 'If'   (Instagram)

Remember 5-year-old Utibe who sang Davido's hit song 'If' last week?

Well, OBO has taken up the little man's schooling.

Nigerian superstar, Davido today revealed that he has helped a little boy resume school today. The little boy was caught on camera recently singing along to Davido’s hit song “IF” when he was meant to be in class. Visibly excited by being able to help a fan, Davido put up a photo of the boy wearing a school uniform on his Instagram page and captioned it:


View screenshot below:

Davido, has also promised to handle his accommodation.

Meet Sayo & Jomi… Oh My Hotness!!! They Are The Sexiest Nigerian Twins On Instagram!

A set of beautiful Nigerian Twins are currently breaking Instagram with the sexiness they ooze out with their photos on IG.

They are arguably the sexiest, most classy and hottest Nigerian twins on Instagram… You can prove to us, so we can change our orientation whatsoever!

One would even hardly believe that they are first class graduates of Pharmacology as their exceptional fashion game is second to none.

They go by the name, Taiwo Sayo and Kehinde Folajomi Cassie but they are known as @twogirlzonecloset on Instagram.

Check Out More Photos below:

Nigerian Air Force steps up security, acquires dogs to detect bombs (photos)

- The Nigerian Air Force trains 12 personnel of its air provost specialty in advanced dog handling techniques

- The 6-week advanced dog handlers' course was conducted at Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy in South Africa

- The air force states that the attendance of the advanced dog handlers’ course has exposed the NAF personnel to international best practices in the use of dogs for security purposes

Considering the security challenges currently being faced in the country, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has acquired dogs, which have been trained to detect explosives, arms and ammunitions, narcotics as well as other substances.

The air force has also recently trained 12 personnel of its Air provost specialty in advanced dog handling techniques to enhance their proficiency in carrying out criminal investigations and other security-related duties.

According to a statement from the Nigerian Air Force HQ, the 6-week advanced dog handlers' course was conducted at Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy in South Africa as a follow-up to the basic K9 training received at the Nigeria Police Force Dog Breeding/Training Centre Abuja.

Vicher Entertainment learnt that is the first time in a while that NAF personnel would receive special training in dog handling at a reputable overseas institution.

The attendance of the advanced dog handlers’ course has further boosted the capacity of the affected NAF personnel and also exposed them to international best practices in the use of dogs for security purposes. It is recalled that human capacity development through robust and result oriented training for enhanced professional performance is one of the key drivers of the vision of the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, NAF stated.

The NAF Air Provost Marshal, Air Commodore Christopher Dola, represented the CAS at the graduation ceremony of the newly trained NAF personnel in Pretoria, South Africa on 20 May 2017

Air Commodore Christopher Dola has since returned to Nigeria after the ceremony.

See photos from the NAF training below:

The Air force trained 12 personnel of its Air provost specialty in advanced dog handling techniques.

The 6-week advanced dog handlers' course was conducted at Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy in South Africa.

The training was a follow-up to the basic K9 training received at the Nigeria Police Force Dog Breeding/Training Centre Abuja.

This is the first time in a while that NAF personnel would receive special training in dog handling at a reputable overseas institution.

According to a statement sent to Vicher Entertainment, NAF said it does not condone or encourage the violation of anyone’s human rights.

The statement signed by Olatokunbo Adesanya, the director of public relations and information, assured Nigerians that at the end of the investigations, any NAF personnel found culpable will be dealt with in accordance with the appropriate laws.

"Please forgive me": Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi's phone call to mum 15 minutes before attack

Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi called his mum 15 minutes before launching his attack at the Manchester Arena which left 22 people dead, it has been claimed.

A spokesman for the Libyan authorities said Abedi made the call to say ‘forgive me’ to his nuclear scientist mum just days after persuading his parents to give him back his confiscated passport.

He had told them he wanted to make Umrah – a pilgrimage to Mecca – and they were reportedly ‘happy’ to oblige.

Special Deterrent Force spokesman Ahmed bin Salem said that Salman Abedi‘s mother and three of his siblings in Libya were summoned for questioning.

Abedi died in the attack at Manchester Arena where 22 people were killed.

Mr Bin Salem said the mother told interrogators that her son left Libya for England only four days before the bombing and called her on the same day of the attack.

Mr Bin Salem said: “He was giving farewell.”

Salman Abedi

Another sibling, 18-year-old brother Hashim, and Abedi’s father were arrested in Tripoli on Wednesday.

Mr Bin Salem said Libyan investigators think, based on what Hashim Abedi told them, “the bomber acted alone”.

He said the brother told them that Salman learned how to make explosives on the internet and wanted to “seek victory for the Islamic State”.

Jamal Zubia, a leading figure in the Libyan community in Manchester, told The Times: “The father had all the passports and was holding them. But Salman said he wanted to do Umrah and that is why he needed to leave Libya. His mother was happy.”

Abedi’s brother, Hashem, 20, is reported to have confessed during an interrogation on Tuesday and Wednesday he “knew everything his brother was going to do in Manchester”.

Hashem Abedi

Bin Salem said: “He [Salman] also called his mother and brother 15 minutes before the operation started.”

As we now know, the ‘operation’ involved detonating a “highly sophisticated” nail bomb at Manchester Arena .

The atrocious act killed 22 people and injured more than 100. Twenty people remain in critical condition in hospital.

Speaking to BB2’s Newsnight on Wednesday night, a Libyan official said authorities were aware of Abedi going to the Libyan capital of Tripoli on April 18 and believed he stayed for two or three weeks.

He revealed that Abedi’s younger brother Hashem had been investigated for about a month and a half over suspicions that he was linked to IS.

“His brother felt there was something going on there in Manchester and he thought his brother would do something like bombing or attack.

“So after that, he told us, ‘Having internet, I see the attack in Manchester and I knew that’s my brother’,” a spokesman for Libyan authorities told BBC2’s Newsnight.

“We were not quite sure about this, but when we arrested and we asked him, he told us, ‘I have ideology with my brother’. Hashim told us, ‘I know everything about my brother, what he was doing there in Manchester’.”

Ramadan Abedi (pictured) the father of Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi

Abedi’s father, Ramadan Abedi, was arrested in Tripoli along with Hashem.

A 23-year-old man – named in reports as Abedi’s older brother Ismail – was detained in Chorlton, south Manchester, on Tuesday.

Ramadan Abedi had earlier claimed his son Salman was innocent, saying: “We don’t believe in killing innocents. This is not us.”

The developments came as the police investigation was hit by further leaks to the US media, with the New York Times releasing crime scene photos appearing to show bomb fragments and the backpack used to conceal the explosive.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said the leak of the pictures breached trust and “undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families”.

Paramedics desperately try to help victims of the Manchester Arena bombing (Photo: London News Pictures Ltd)

Police responding to the explosion at an Ariana Grande concert (Photo: London News Pictures Ltd)

Twenty-two people were killed and dozens seriously injured when Abedi, 22, detonated a device as fans left an Ariana Grande concert on Monday night.

The bombing was the deadliest terrorist incident to hit the UK since the July 7 attacks in London in 2005 and sparked a nationwide security operation amid fears further strikes could be imminent.

Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: “I think it’s very clear that this is a network that we are investigating and as I’ve said, it continues at pace, this extensive investigation is going on and activity taking place across Greater Manchester as we speak.”

The force said it was “confident” it had identified every victim but they would not be formally identified until after post-mortem examinations were completed in four to five days.

There were reports that members of the public reported Abedi to the anti-terrorism hotline several years ago.

An unnamed Muslim community worker told the BBC two people who knew the attacker at college tipped off officers after he made statements “supporting terrorism” and expressing the view that “being a suicide bomber was okay”.

The calls are thought to have been made five years ago after Abedi left school, the community worker added.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May will chair a fourth meeting of the Government‘s Cobra emergency committee since the Manchester attack, on Thursday morning, Downing Street said.

In response to the heightened threat, the Government has activated Operation Temperer , providing up to 3,800 troops to support the police in security operations.

Read More

Manchester bombing

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said 984 military personnel were being deployed around the country, which the Metropolitan Police said had freed up 1,000 armed officers to carry out patrols.

She confirmed Abedi had recently returned from a visit to Libya, and said the nature of the attack suggested he may have had support.

See How Kidnappers Gained Access Into Lagos School Before Abducting Students and Principals | Photos

Deadly kidnappers who abducted students and teachers from a school in Lagos are said to have carved a hole in the school’s fence before gaining entrance.

It has been revealed that the criminals who kidnapped six students and teachers of the Igbonla Model School, Igbonla near Epe at around 5:00 a.m. yesterday used the Imeru/Iji waterway to access the swampy forest bordering the school before opening a hole on a part of the school fence to gain entrance into the school compound.

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Fatai Owoseni in company of top police officers in the state led a search and rescue team to the school and adjoining waterways as well as forest in search of the gun men.

Mr. Owoseni, who was at the school very early in the morning, appealed for calmness from parents and guardian of the kidnapped school children to enable security agencies focus on rescue operations.

The CP further added that security agencies were intensifying efforts towards ensuring safety and security of the good people of Lagos, stressing that useful information from members of the public would be invaluable to the team’s efforts

With the CP were the Commander, Rapid Response Squad, ACP Olatunji Disu, officers from SARS and state Anti Kidnapping Squad.

Muslims worldwide to start Ramadan this weekend after moon sighting

Muslims will mark the start of Ramadan this weekend with a month of fasting and intense prayers after the sighting of the moon.

If the moon is sighted on Thursday evening, Ramadan fasting will start on Friday, May 26.

However, if it isn’t sighted, the fasting will automatically begin on Saturday, May 27, which is the first day of the holy month of Ramadan on the Islamic calendar.

Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court has called for moon sighting on Thursday evening to make a decision on when it will actually begin.

Ghana’s Chief Imam, Osman Nuhu Sharubutu has called on Muslims in the country to look out for the moon on Thursday, but if not sighted, Saturday will automatically be the first day of Ramadan.

“The cut-out time for relying on any information on the sighting shall be 10:00 pm after which no information shall be entertained by my office,” he said.

The moon sighting is usually done with telescopes or the naked eye before it is announced.

Already, the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) in the United States has announced that Ramadan would be observed from Saturday, May 27 based on predictions.

Ramadan Preparations

With just a few days to the start of the holy month, Egypt is experiencing a soar in food prices as people rush to the markets.

Food prices are rising steadily in the country with annual inflation hitting its highest in the month of April from 33% and up to 44%.

Muslims in South Africa’s coastal city, Cape Town have also held their annual ’786 Ramadaan Expo’ – a three-day trade fair offering everything from food, spices, toys, perfumes and clothes.

The event is held in preparation to mark the fasting season.

Significance of Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar, right after the month of Shaban, which is believed to be the time when the doors of hell are firmly sealed and the doors to heaven are wide open.

According to the holy book of Muslims, The Qur’an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during Ramadan.

The lunar month lasts between 29 and 30 days depending on sighting of the moon.

Muslims who fast during Ramadan abstain from eating, drinking and sex from dawn to dusk for the entire month.

Before the daily fast, Muslims have a pre-dawn meal called suhoor and also come together at dusk to break the fast with the meal called iftar.

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and is compulsory for all Muslims except those who are ill, traveling, elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic or menstruating.

Many pilgrims from around the world travel to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah for Umrah – pilgrimage that can be undertaken at any time of the year – during Ramadan.

Muslims are encouraged to avoid gossip, arguments and fighting while they observe self-restraint, self-control and self-discipline during the month.

They are also encouraged to engage in more charity work while they fast to bring them closer to God and remind them of the suffering of the less fortunate.

The common greetings during the month is “Ramadan Mubarak” and “Ramadan Kareem”, wishing the recipient a “blessed” and generous Ramadan.

At the end of the 29 or 30 days of fasting, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr which literally means “festival of breaking the fast” in Arabic.

On the day, Muslims attend a special prayer in the morning at outdoor locations or mosques. The prayer consists of a sermon followed by the short congregational prayer.

After the prayer, they visit friends and relatives, give gifts especially to children, and make phone calls to distant relatives to exchange greetings of “Eid Mubarak” or “Blessed Eid”.

BREAKING: SHOCKING!!! Al-Jazeera, 20 Other News Websites Shut Down, Sahara Reporters Next On The line

The Egyptian Government, has on Thursday, shut down 21 news websites, including Qatari news network, Al-Jazeera, and Islamist-affiliated platforms.

The Arabic edition of the Huffington Post was blocked, although the English-language version was accessible. The independent Cairo-based Mada Masr, was another site blocked.

A security source revealed that the websites blocked, contain materials that “support terrorism and extremism, as well as publish lies.”

Another source said that: ”Sahara Reporters should always be included on the list of the websites that should be shut down.”

Recall, that since the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood from power in Egypt, in 2013, Egypt’s relations with Qatar has worsened, as Cairo slammed Doha for hosting members of the now-banned group.

Egypt’s Gulf allies, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, blocked the website of Al Jazeera, and other Qatari websites, on Wednesday, after controversial comments praising Iran were attributed to the Qatari ruler, Tamim Al-Thani.

More later…

My Wife Is A Chronic Fornicator, She Curses And Insults Me All The Time – Husband Tells Court

A man’s marriage is about to kick the rocks after the wife dragged him to court over accusations that he is not doing his job as the man.

40-year-old trader, Ramota Adewale, on Thursday, pleaded with an Agege Customary Court to dissolve her 18-year-old marriage for alleged constant battering by her husband.

Ramota, a mother of two, an indigene of Ogun, resides at No. 12, Babayemi St., Eleere, Agege, a Lagos suburb, described her husband, Tajudeen Adewale, as an “aggressive and irresponsible fellow’’.

“My husband responds quickly to violence; he is always accusing me of adultery; he feels insecure and he always threatens me and calls me a prostitute.

“He suspects my movements every time; whenever l go out, he insults me anyhow, which often leads to misunderstandings between us,” Ramota told the court.

The petitioner alleged that the respondent once beat her to a pulp after a hot argument, in which she collapsed and was eventually admitted into the hospital.

She urged the court to dissolve the union, saying, “I am no longer interested in the marriage”.

The woman also accused the husband of being irresponsible as a husband and father.

Ramota said that she had been the one paying for the children’s school fees and their welfare.

The petitioner, however, asked the court to direct the husband to take full responsibility for the upkeep of the children’s education.

The respondent, Tajudeen, 42, an indigene of Lagos and resident of 14, Aboro-Igbala Street, Agege, denied the allegations.

Tajudeen, a bus commercial driver, told the court that he was responsible and had been taking care of his wife and children to the best of his ability.

The husband, who said he no longer trusted his wife, also described her as “a fornicator, who lacks respect’’.

The respondent also told the court that the petitioner wanted the marriage dissolved in order to be frolicking with friends.

He alleged that the wife is an abusive woman with no iota of respect for him.

“She curses and insults me all times.

“Since she moved out of my house, she has refused me access to my children,” the respondent said.

The president of the court, Mr Philip Williams, adjourned the case to July 4 for judgment.

Female Corper Embarrasses Herself After Writing This 'Terrible Grammar' About the Tallest Guy in Her Camp

An alleged graduate of the University of Calabar and a serving NYSC member has rubbished herself on Facebook after this shocking grammatical blunder.

Kayode Seyi Brown made the grammatical blunder

A female National Youth Service Corps member given many people reasons to doubt if she is actually a graduate of the University of Calabar after she shared a 'terribly constructed' grammar while trying to show off the tallest man at the camp she was posted to.

The woman identified as Kayode Seyi Brown wrote on Facebook: “DAT is the taller guy in my camp, so funny." instead of "that is the tallest guy in my camp."

Her profile on Facebook revealed that she graduated from the University of Calabar. Many people have been left with the idea that she might be one of the many students who frolic around university campuses as slay mamas and queens without having anything to offer intellectually.

Someone commented: "Please don't comment again on Facebook. Just ordinary pictures are good enough. The whole Nigeria has been directed to your page to come and learn English. Unfortunately, you are from my state."

Nigeria Closes Embassies in Five Countries...See Details

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Geoffrey Onyeama has revealed that the Federal Government has commenced the process for closure of five embassies and foreign missions.

The Federal Government has approved the closure of five foreign missions and embassies, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Geoffrey Onyeama said.

Onyeama told newsmen in Abuja on Thursday, but he did not name the affected embassies or missions, but said the process for closure was underway and was also subject to the approval of the president.

“We do not want to indicate the embassies that will be closed yet because we are in the process of submitting the proposals, the cost analysis and also the political analysis we did to the president.

“When he sees that, he may or may not want to close some, so we have not yet reached the stage of closing some,” he said.

The minister also reiterated that the closing missions abroad were “extremely expensive”.

“The expense, costs of closing embassies is so high and prohibitive but in the long run it will more economical.”

The minister, on April 10, told NAN the closure of Nigerian missions abroad is inevitable.

He admitted that it is expensive to close a country’s embassy but quickly added that in the long run the
policy will be beneficial to Nigerians.

Onyeama stressed that the reduction of Nigeria’s foreign missions remains on the agenda of the Muhammadu Buhari administration.

Buhari had said at the inception of his administration that the Federal Government will reduce the number of missions to save cost.

Nigeria currently has 119 foreign missions.

Onyeama said: “The government is following up on that and we have sort of pre­pared the roadmap; we have started the implementation of that and made also recom­mendations in that context.

“Paradoxically, closing missions is extremely expensive. At first sight it seems ob­vious that you close it you are saving cost but you will actually find that the cost of closing is almost prohibitive.

“But in the long run it will be cheaper, but in the imme­diate and short term it is ex­pensive but we have started the process,” he said.


LAUTECH Students Block Entrance To Osun Government House

Students of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, have blocked the main entrance to Osun Government House, Oke-Fia, in continuation of their protest against non payment of their lecturers, the development that has paralysed academic activities in the school.

The protesters, who blocked some major roads within Osogbo, the state capital, in protest, on Wednesday, in defiance to high security presence, had laid siege on the entrance to Oke-Fia Govt House, in apparent move to stop Governor Aregbesola from attending an event organised to mark his birthday holding within the state capital Thursday morning.

The protesting students had halted vehicular movement on Osogbo/Ifon/Ogbomoso road, as many early travellers are trapped in the traffic gridlock.

Amiloaded correspondent gathered that heavily armed policemen manning the Armoured Personnel Carrier, are right at the scene of the protest.

The Deputy Governor Mrs Titi Laoye-Tomori’s efforts to address the students was earlier refuted, but was later made possible with the intervention of the commissioner of police in the state, Fimihan Adeoye, who prevailed on the students to allow her speak.

Mrs Laoye-Tomori while appealing to the students, assured them that efforts were being made to find a lasting solution to the lingering crisis between the two owner states of Oyo and Osun, and the striking lecturers.

She disclosed that a meeting will be held by house committees on educations of the two states and all concerns with a view to ending the strike.


Happiness is when you are sitting next to your landlord in church whilst you haven't paid your rent, and the Pastor says: *"Turn round and tell your neighbour Jesus has paid my debt."*



Imagine if ATM in Naija speak our dialect. If U are in a sophisticated area like BANANA ISLAND, here is how the ATM would communicate;
ATM: Welcome Mr. Adenuga.
-Please, enter your secret number.
-How much will you by like to withdraw?
Thank you for banking with us, Mr. Adenuga.
….but if you are in a place like MUSHIN, here is how it will respond; After a guy inserts his card, inputs his😬😬😬😬 pin,
ATM: Haaaaaaaaaaaa, Omo Iyami,
-tuale baba agba, owo meji fun eyan kan
-omo iya ma je ki won ri numba e...malogo
-se o wa pa?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Guy: Mo wa pa baje baje.
ATM: Elo ni k’omo aye po jade?
(guy inputs 10,000)
ATM: (dispenses cash).
Omo Iya, ma jeun lo ntie.😂😂😂😂
In a place like IJEBU
A woman inserts her card & pin
ATM: Omo alare,😁😁😬😂
-elo ro nfe gba?
(Woman enters N2,391.50K)
ATM: Pause for about one minute, trying to😯😯😯😯😯 understand the digits. After about a minute, ATM replies,
ATM: Iya, ko te yii, Kimi shey wen ko m te nonsense number, afo koo te number, o m te coins, kii katikati. ATM. Vomits card, gba card re, ko ko oshi lo. ALARAKA😁😁😁😁😁😂😂😂


MUSA:- sani, do you know that tomorrow is ummi's birthday?
SANI:- wooow, how old are she?
MUSA:-😂hhhhhh😂how old are she?
SANI:-🙆🏾‍♂🙆🏾‍♂🙆🏾‍♂🙆🏾‍♂correct me pls.
MUSA:- how many years are her😳😳😳😳😳😳


I was beaten by a woman in an elevator today😟😟😟😟😟😟. I was staring at her boobs then she said, "Would you please press one?" I thought she was talking ABOUT HER BOOBS.🙈🙈🙈

‘Pastor’s been sleeping with me since I was 10; this’s the fourth abortion’

LAGOS—Scriptural assertions of wolves in sheep clothing resurfaced yesterday, following a startling revelation by a 16-year-old Senior Secondary School, SSS, I student, on how she has been subjected to sexual violations since she was 10 years by a pastor at the Egbe branch of a popular new generation pentecostal church.

The victim, who spoke from the hospital bed around Ikotun area of the state, alleged that the suspect, with the connivance of a medical doctor, had carried out four abortions on her without her consent.

Trouble, as gathered, started for the teenager after the demise of her parents six years ago. An uncle she identified simply as George, took her to Delta State from where the suspect, who had just been separated from his wife, took her to Lagos to look after his child, with a promise to train her in school.

That was when he allegedly started a sexual relationship with her in his three-bedroom flat at 6, Dolamo Street, Agodo-Egbe.

The victim alleged that whenever he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her, he would invite her to his bedroom and offer her some drugs after which she would lose her memory.

According to her, “he usually invited me to bring water to his room at night. Thereafter, he would give me some drugs. But when I summoned courage to ask him one day, he said that the drugs was to make me sexually active.

‘No one believed me’

“I have waited for this day when I would be free from his claws. The first time I opened up to our branch’s Senior Pastor and his wife, I was hushed. They even said I wanted to tarnish my guardian’s image, despite all he had done to keep me in school.

“Again, I reported the sexual molestation to some of my school teachers, but they said they did not know how to go about it and how to prove my claim. They were even afraid that I could be driven away from the house and that it would mean the end of my education.

“This is my fourth pregnancy he has aborted. When he took me to the doctor that has been carrying out the abortion on me, the doctor refused, saying he had been doing it right from when I was 10 years.

“The doctor opened up to me that there could be complications if the pregnancy was terminated.

“He took me to another place that looked like a laboratory on Monday, where I was laid on a slab. I begged the doctor not to do anything, but they pinned me down and the doctor induced me to sleep.

“When I woke up, I discovered that they had flushed out the pregnancy.”

She added that when they got home that night, the suspect attempted to sleep with her again, but she refused, adding that the next day (Tuesday), she packed her belongings out of the house and headed for school where she intended to be living.

Abortion by quack

It was while heading to the school  that she slumped, bleeding from her private part. Sympathisers rushed her to a hospital along Isolo-Mushin Road, where it was discovered that the abortion was not properly done.

Continuing in tears, the teenager said: “The hospital bed I laid on was soaked with blood. The attention of a church member, who is also a family friend of my guardian, was invited. When the result of the scan came out, it revealed that the abortion was not properly done.”

At 7p.m., yesterday, the victim was still been attended to at the hospital. A nurse at the hospital, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that the teenager was in a stable condition.

Meanwhile, her guardian, who she calls Daddy, has been arrested by policemen at Area ‘M’ and has admitted to the girl’s claims.

Investigations, according to police sources, were still ongoing.

How I Slept with a Dog in Victoria Island For Money – Lagos Girl Talks Bad Romance

A student living in the commercial capital of Nigeria, Lagos has recounted her rare s*xual experience with an Alsatian dog as organised by some white men for a huge amount of money.

Relationship adviser and psychologist Joro Olumofin has broken the internet with a shocking story of bestiality involving a seemingly young lady.
According to the story, the person in question who is orphaned and poverty-striken signed up for the odd s*x for financial benefits. This clandestine activity took place at the highbrow Victoria Island of Lagos with foreigners in charge.

The s*x was reportedly explosive and ever since, she has been lusting after dogs.

Read her story below:

Wow!! Meet The 16 Years Old Boy That Has The Highest Score In JAMB 2017

No doubt, this is the highest score in the JAMB 2017 exam.

Ariori Ibrahim Olabode who sat for his JAMB exam at Brainpoint College in Ebute Metta, Lagos State has wowed everybody when the result of his exam came out, he almost got the whole of the 400 marks.

Ibrahim scored 375, failing just 5 marks out of the total of 400 marks when the required 4 subjects are combined.

No doubt this is the highest JAMB score of the year 2017.

See his result below:-

Ibrahim – Keep Winning.

Shout out to those Agbaya wey score 35 to 170 😜 Na only Big boy una sabi do. Kontinue ehn…

The Thunder wey go fire you is coming from Somalia.

If e Pain you, Come and beat me.. I dey my house 😜😜😜

World Bank says nations ill-prepared to battle pandemic diseases

New York – The World Bank said on Thursday that nations are failing to invest enough money to prevent the potential global spread of disease that could kill millions of people and cripple economies.

The bank in a report on Thursday said, faced with a pandemic, an unprepared planet could lose billions to trillions of dollars, a significant chunk of the global gross domestic product.

Yet containing pandemics,diseases that spread globally compared with epidemics that are localised, would cost about one dollar per person per year in investment, the Bank said.

“Given the scale of risk to human lives and livelihoods, the investment case for financing preparedness is compelling,” said Peter Sands, chairman of the Bank’s Working Group on Financing Preparedness which wrote the report.

“We must make it happen,” he said.

The bank said recent pandemics include the Zika virus, an infectious disease linked to severe birth defects in babies, and the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu.

The devastating effects of a pandemic were illustrated as well during the Ebola outbreak that swept West Africa and killed more than 11,000 people between 2013 and 2016.

To determine that most of the world falls short in terms of pandemic preparedness the World Bank assessed countries on a stress test of measures in place.

The Washington-based organisation said, of 37 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America put through the test, most were graded with a red or yellow light, meaning progress remains to be made.

With disease outbreaks becoming increasingly frequent, the Bank called on its 189-member countries to step up investments in disease surveillance systems, laboratories and emergency operations centers.

“We have to ensure we are prepared, so the next outbreak does not become the next pandemic,” said Jim Yong Kim, who is the Bank’s president, in a statement.

Ebola resurfaced earlier this month in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the eight time, killing four people according to the World Health Organisation.(Reuters/NAN)

Air force men attack UNIOSUN students again

• ASUU suspends lectures Femi Makinde and Olaleye Aluko The Osun State University chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities has directed its members at the varsity’s College of Education in Ipetu Ijesa to suspend teaching due to the brutalisation of lecturers and students on the campus. This is just as PUNCH Metro gathered that the air force men launched a fresh attack on private hostels occupied by UNIOSUN’s students late on Tuesday. The Chairman of UNIOSUN ASUU, Dr Seye Abiona, told our correspondent on the telephone in Osogbo on Wednesday that the move was necessary in order to protect the lecturers. Abiona, who condemned the attack, said the union might take a legal action against the Nigerian Air Force for the attack, saying either the college or the air force base might need to be relocated in the interest of peace. He said, “We have asked lecturers at the Ipetu Ijesa campus to suspend teaching until those who brutalised our members are flushed out and punished according to the law. The university has given the students a week break and we have directed all lecturers to suspend any activity at the campus. “I don’t know why the air force institute is located directly opposite the university. But may be the institute will be relocated to another place. I think that should be done to guarantee peace.” PUNCH Metro learnt that the rampaging air men continued the brutalisation of students of the university after the first two attacks carried out on the campus. Our correspondent gathered that the military men later stormed the private hostels where UNIOSUN students lived off the campus, beat them up and injured a large number of them. A student told our correspondent on the telephone that a 400-level student of the university, Francis Olanubi, was hacked with machete by the irate military men The Dean, Student Affairs, UNIOSUN, Dr Adebimpe Adigun, confirmed the fresh attack to our correspondent on Wednesday. She said, “They called me again that the air for  

Rossy Utojiuba, Most Beautiful Girl From Anambra State (Photos)

Rossy Utojiuba is a graduate of Computer science from the Nnamdi Azikiwe Universiy Awka, she is a former Miss Style Queen Nigeria (MSQN).
The Fair beauty hails from Ihiala in Anambra state and we can boldly call her one of the most beautiful girls from Anambra!
Born on the 8th of March, 19**, she has a passion for business and modelling!

I Made Deals With The Devil & Knew It Was Gonna Get Me In Trouble – Ariana Grande -  Vicher Entertainment

A concerned fan pointed out some worrying lyrics in Ariana’s hit track. Read what he wrote below:

Guys i’m no conspiracy theorist but I cannot but be curious about the lyrics of Ariana Grande’s hit track side-by-side featuring the racy Nicki Minaj where she confessed to making deals with the devil

It’s no longer news that 22 fans of Ariana Grande were murdered and 59 seriously injured in the terrorist bombing at the end of her musical concert in Manchester 2 nights ago!?

Does the lyrics of her hit-track below suggests a conspiracy?!

Below is the full lyrics of the song.

“Side To Side”
(feat. Nicki Minaj)

I’ve been there all night, Ariana
I’ve been there all day, Nicki Minaj
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side
Let them hoes know

I’m talkin’ to ya
See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don’t gotta think ’bout nothin’ (’bout nothin’)
I’m comin’ at ya
‘Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn’t matter, ’cause you give me temptation
And we don’t gotta think ’bout nothin’ (’bout nothin’)

These friends keep talkin’ way too much
Say I should give you up
Can’t hear them, no, ’cause I…

I’ve been there all night
I’ve been there all day
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side
I’ve been there all night
I’ve been there all day
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side (side to side)

Been tryna hide it
Baby, what’s it gonna hurt if they don’t know?
Makin’ everybody think that we solo
Just as long as you know you got me (you got me)
And boy I got ya
‘Cause tonight I’m making deals with the devil
And I know it’s gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me

These friends keep talkin’ way too much
Say I should give you up
Can’t hear them, no, ’cause I…

I’ve been there all night
I’ve been there all day
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side (side to side)
I’ve been there all night
(Been there all night, baby)
I’ve been there all day
(Been there all day, baby)
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side (side to side)

This the new style with the fresh type of flow
Wrist icicle, ride man-hood bicycle
Come true yo, get you this type of blow
If you wanna Minaj I got a tricycle

All these bitches, flows is my mini-me
Body smoking, so they call me young Nicki chimney
Rappers in they feelings ’cause they feelin’ me
Uh, I-I give zero bleeps and I got zero chill in me
Kissing me, copped the blue box that say Tiffany
Curry with the shot, just tell ’em to call me Stephanie
Gun pop and I make my gum pop
I’m the queen of rap, young Ariana run pop

These friends keep talkin’ way too much
Say I should give him up
Can’t hear them, no, ’cause I…

I’ve been there all night
I’ve been there all day
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side (side to side)
I’ve been there all night
(Been there all night, baby)
I’ve been there all day
(Been there all day, baby)
Boy, got me walkin’ side to side (side to side)

This the new style with the fresh type of flow
Wrist icicle, ride man-hood bicycle
Come true yo, get you this type of blow
If you wanna Minaj I got a tricycle

FA Cup final will be ‘difficult’ after Manchester attack – Cahill

Gary Cahill has said that Saturday’s FA Cup final between Chelsea and Arsenal will be a “difficult” experience against the backdrop of the Manchester bomb attack and heightened security at Wembley.

Chelsea have cancelled a victory parade scheduled for Sunday following the attack on Manchester Arena that has left 22 dead and a further 119 injured, while Arsenal have called off a planned screening of the match for supporters at the Emirates Stadium.

In response to the tragedy the UK government has raised the national threat level from severe to critical, meaning authorities believe a further attack is imminent, and up to 5,000 soldiers could be deployed on the country’s streets to help police maintain security.

The Football Association has confirmed that an “enhanced security operation” will be in place at Wembley and has urged supporters to allow extra time to pass through rigorous checks on their way into the stadium.

“Before talking about the game, it’s important to show our respect and send our condolences to the families that have been affected in Manchester,” Cahill said.

“We’ve all got families and I can’t imagine how they’re feeling right now. I lived close to Manchester, it’s a great city and I’m sure they’ll pull together.”

Cahill, who was part of the England team that played France at Wembley shortly after the Paris terror attack in 2015, is all too aware that football has become more of a target for terrorism in recent years; the Borussia Dortmund team bus was also hit by roadside bombs ahead of a Champions League match in April.

But he says his family will still be there to cheer him on at Wembley on Saturday, as he and his Chelsea teammates attempt to put the tragic recent events and increased security presence in and around the stadium out of their minds in a bid to add the FA Cup to this season’s Premier League title.

“It’s difficult,” Cahill said. “There’s an element of trying to live your life in a normal way. Everyone speaks about trying to make sure it doesn’t affect you, but it’s impacted everyone in England, especially the families.

“It’s a tragedy, like when we played at Wembley after the bombings in Paris. It’s horrible. We send our best wishes to everyone involved and I’m sure the security will be top drawer at Wembley on Saturday. We’re going to try and enjoy it as much as we can.”

Man United Dedicate Europa League Trophy To Manchester Terror Victims

Manchester United players spared some thoughts for the victims of the Manchester terror attack after their Europa League win over Ajax on Wednesday night, reports

Paul Pogba and Henrikh Mkhitaryan, the scorers in the 2-0 victory, joined Juan Mata to dedicate Manchester United’s Europa League triumph in Stockholm to the victims of Monday’s Manchester terror attack.

A suicide bomber killed 22 people and wounded more than 50 at Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande concert on Monday night.

Speaking to BT Sport, Pogba said: “We know that things like this are very sad, all over the world: in Manchester, in London and in Paris, too. We had to focus because it was a very important game and we won for them and for the country.

“We played for England, we played for Manchester, and we played for the people who died.”

Referring to the cup win, which earns United a place in the Champions League next season, Pogba, who opened the scoring before Mkhitaryan doubled the lead, added: “We knew we were going to play in the Europa League and the goal was to win the Europa League.

“We did it, so we’re very proud. Some say we had a bad season but the prize is here. We worked hard and we’ll enjoy it now.”

Mkhitaryan was happy to fulfill his colleagues’ prophecies after helping the Red Devils reach the Stockholm showpiece with five European goals this term.

The Armenian said: “Thank you to my team-mates because without them I couldn’t score so many goals. I’m happy that I scored here today in the final because everyone was saying, ‘You’re going to score in the final’ and after the last game against Celta Vigo I was dreaming about scoring in the final and I did.

“We were fighting in two races: the Premier League and the Europa League. In the Premier League we couldn’t hit the target to go to the Champions League but tonight we gave all our effort and now we’re playing in the Champions League.”

Mata added : “It’s massive for us. We came here with one option – to win the trophy that the club had never won and we did it so we are happy.

“It was a great final and my first European final with United, hopefully the first of many.

United manager Jose Mourinho said people of Manchester will ‘pull together’ after bomb attack.

“Especially after what happened (in Manchester) we wanted to win this and we’ll bring the trophy back,” he said.

“It was a very difficult week for a lot of us and for the city of Manchester and we tried to win for all the people who have suffered. This trophy is for them.”

Meanwhile United’s victory on Wednesday night means they have now won more major trophies than any other English club, overtaking rivals Liverpool in the process.

They claimed their 42nd major trophy. That tally is one more than rivals Liverpool have in their cabinet at Anfield. 

Man United Transfer: Finally Jose Mourinho Gives Thoughts On Antoine Griezmann’s Move

Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho has refused to comment about Antoine Griezmann proposed move to Old Trafford.

The 26-year-old has been heavily linked with a move to the Old Trafford this summer, with reports that United have held successful negotiations with the player.

Griezmann also fuelled the speculation earlier this week by admitting that he could join the Red Devils this summer during a French chat show, sparking reports that the Frenchman will join Manchester United in the next three weeks but only wants an assurance that they will play in the Champions League next season.

However, Jose Mourinho has refused to give an update over the move, insisting he does not like to talk about players from other clubs, he said: ‘I do not want to talk about Griezmann because that would be disrespectful to his club, Atletico.

‘Just how I do not like others talking about by my players, I’m not going to talk about Antoine either.’

Despite his denial, it is understood that the United boss is keen to have Griezmann at the Old Trafford this summer as a viable replacement for Wayne Rooney who is expected to quit the club later this window.

It’s Here! Tiwa Savage talks her Career, Motherhood & More as she covers Parallel Magazine’s Special Issue

Parallel Magazine’s latest special print and digital issue captures Tiwa Savage in the Burroughs of Brooklyn as she grants an exclusive look into her career, being a mother, her continuous ascension into the echelon of great musicians, and life beyond the lights.

This issue reveals Tiwa’s ability to easily govern the worlds of her stardom and normal life showing that her true versatility lies not only in her seamless ability to sing and dance with the same intensity but to live a balanced life.

Here are excerpts from the interview.

On her privacy: The art has made me a little bit more reserved because I am wearier of people and situations…I think twice before I maybe dance spontaneously in the streets because people will judge and not understand.

On African music: As a whole, if we come together as CEOs, video directors, photographers, and models all strategically placed in pockets, we can stand up and properly represent the African culture.

On never getting complacent with her success: To me, I always feel like I am still starting out…I still have so much to achieve.

On balancing career and motherhood: Sometimes people think that as an African woman, you’ve given birth and will never bounce back as before…when people say things like that they think it is supposed to tear you down but it actually does the opposite for me…It actually makes me want to prove you wrong.

To read more pick up a copy of Parallel Magazine.

See photos from her editorial shoot below.

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