Davido set to drop New Single “Fall” on the 2nd of June

Nigerian superstar Davido is set to drop a new song along with a video, his first since his globally acclaimed hit track “IF“. This new track is titled “Fall” and according to teasers on social media, the song is scheduled for release this Friday, 2nd of June 2017. The star put up new photos on his Instagram page and captioned them, “FALL 02/06/17”

See photos below:

SINGLE’s CORNER! Here Are The 3 Crucial Reasons Why You Are Still Single To Stupor

Do you ever wonder why you are still single even when so many people are getting married, engaged or finding a new lover? well the reasons are not far fetched. Instead of worrying your head over why you are still single, just think of any of these you have not gotten right.

1.Your attitude– So many ladies, guys, are still single simply because they have refused to act right. Wrong attitudes towards people around them. You can’t go far with a wrong attitude. The way you talk to people or treat people goes a long way to tell who you are and how you attract people towards you. It could be laziness, pride and so on.

2.Attachment to past- So many people have gotten so comfortable with singleness. Sometimes, people prefer to stay single when they remember that one person did them wrong or the relationship that left them unstable. Some people still carry past hurts, confusions around that it becomes uncomfortable moving on. You are still attached to your ex and it seems impossible going for someone else.

3. You love being single– Most times, people are so comfortable with being single. they love the freedom that comes with it. There is no validation from anyone, everything just feels perfect. There is no worry about who is cheating on who. It just feels perfect.

You can Include your own reason why you love being single.

14 things that happen when a guy finally meets his father-in-law

"So you're the boy she has been following about? Do you like your life?"

1. You’re finally seeing your in-laws and don’t know whether to dress for a job interview or dress for heaven.

Is this the day I die?

2. The first person you see is her mummy but you already spoke to her on the phone like 12 times.

Mummy epp us tell daddy to calm down.

3. The way your body reacts when her daddy looks at you from head to toe.

Epp me sir.

4. So you start to smile carelessly like a salesman.

I’m here to convince you and not confuse you sir.

5. When you know you can’t lie to him because he is a guy man just like you.

Izz all over.

6. The air conditioning is on but you don’t know why you are sweating.

I think I have Malaria.

7. You try to start a conversation and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is “Dolla haff cost.”


8. And then you dunno whether to continue the conversation or just shut the fuck up.


9. Then daddy asks, “What do you do?” and your inner Frank Donga comes to life.

Actually, I have plenty hustles.

10. And then he says, “But that is not what I saw on your Facebook.”


11. . Your father-in-law says “Bring my cup” but you are sure you heard bring my gun.


I’m the only child of my mother sir. Epp our family sir.

12. When your father-in-law finally cracks a joke with you.

Excuse me sir, you're very funny!

13. When they finally give you the family albums to look at.

I HAVE JOINED THE FAMILY. Wait, baby is that you sitting on a potty here?

14. And then your father-in-law says, “Finally, this girl has brought one sensible man to this house.”

Babe, I thought you said I was the first guy to meet your dad?

Few Weeks After Child Birth, Davido’s Second Babymama, Amanda Spotted Smoking Sishan!! (Photos)

Davido’s second baby mama, Amanda could barely wait for a month after the delivery of her baby girl to get back into the party mode.
The US based lady took time out to party with her friends just three weeks after the birth of her daughter, Hailey Veronica Adeleke.
In the photo shared on her Snapchat page, the mother of one was spotted with a shish pipe and drinks as she posed on a reclining chair.
Amanda posted the photo a few days after Davido went on a makeup session with a mystery girl at a party in Ghana.
The second baby mama’s move seems interesting considering the fact that Davido’s first baby mama, Sophia Momodu was accused of taking marijuana while B.reastfeeding the singer’s first child, Imade.
Seems Davido has a type!

Tiwa Savage Opens Up On Her Heartbreaking Experience At X-Factor And Journey In The Entertainment Industry

Music superstar Tiwa Savage has come a long way since her X Factor days. The Afrobeat singer and songwriter now has a certified place amongst leading artists in the West African pop genre and for the latest edition of A Nation of Billions, the All Over singer talks candidly about ‘The Diary of Tiwa Savage’.

The mum met with A Nation of Billion’s Akua Ofei in her Central London hotel suite where she talked about her journey as an artist and music so far.

Oh, my goodness X Factor was bittersweet, she says with a small laugh when I ask about her time on the show.

“It was a heartbreaking experience at that time. Obviously, because I didn’t get through – I think I got eliminated just before the final 10, and I was heartbroken. But then, I say sweet because I feel like if I’d gotten through I probably wouldn’t be doing the type of music I’m doing now. I probably would be doing strictly Pop music or R’n’B music. So I think God knew what He was doing.

Spending her early years honing her craft in the UK and US, Tiwa talks on becoming the artist that she is right now.

It was a situation where I got a glimpse of what was to come and I was able to go back and really prepare myself. I always say this: ‘Opportunity favours the prepared’ – I don’t know if I was prepared mentally then. And also, I had to really go back. Go to Berklee College of Music, learn music. Moved to America, learned how to write songs. Worked with a lot of amazing artists that I’ve always looked up to – all my life and that’s where I discovered the buzz that was happening in Africa because when I was in America, everyone would say ‘Tiwa, where are you from?’ And I’d tell them oh, I’m from Nigeria and they’d say “wow!”

They were so fascinated by the music, the culture and I was like why am I trying to do something else when these people are interested in what’s going on in Africa? And that’s when I moved back [to Nigeria from America] so it all adds up. I’m glad I actually didn’t get through on X Factor but at the same time, if you’d asked me I probably would have ripped your head off at the time. You know, sometimes when you go into situations and this door is shutting, and this door is shutting and that door – it forces you to look inward because you can’t get what you thought you needed at that time, it forces you to reevaluate yourself.

Adultery Case: Former House of Reps Member Loses Marriage After Wife Allegedly Slept with Her Pastor

A former Federal lawmaker has had his marriage terminated by a court of law after his wife allegedly cheated with her pastor.
The complainant, Leonard Dilkon (bellanaija)
A Jos High Court on Tuesday dissolved the marriage between Mr Leonard Dilkon, a former member of the House of Representatives, and his wife, Joy.
Justice David Mann of High Court III, dissolved the marriage in his judgment on the petition filed by Joy, seeking an end to the union.
“The marriage between these two people has broken down irretrievably. It is hereby dissolved,”
Mann declared.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that Joy, through her Counsel, Mrs. Juliet Esoro, had filed a petition on Aug. 5, 2016 asking the court to dissolve the marriage because she was no more in love with her husband.
She also prayed the court to grant her access to the three children the marriage was blessed with. The children had been with their father since the marital crisis began in 2011.
She claimed that since July 3, 2011, when the crises started, she had lived separately with her husband “without any conjugal relationship between them”.
But Dilkon, who did not oppose her plea for divorce, accused Joy of committing adultery with her Pastor, Damjuma Fwenji.
The former lawmaker, through his counsel, Mr Francis Okafor, accused the wife of being unfaithful to him “for à very long time”.
In his cross petition to the court, Dilkon claimed Joy once took in for Fwenji, but alleged that the pregnancy was aborted.
Fwenji, however, denied the allegation, and filed a motion seeking N10 million as compensation for the damage to his image and reputation.,
Mann, in his judgement, declared that from all indications, especially from the evidences of the prosecution and defence witnesses, the marriage could not stand since all attempts to reconcile the couple had failed.
“From all indications, the marriage between Mr and Mrs. Dilkon has broken down irretrievable and I hereby declared it dissolved.
“As for the prayer for access to the children, the court hereby grants the mother of the three children equal access as their father, both at home and at school,’’ he declared.
On the issue of Dilkon’s claim of adultery against the wife and the clergy, the judge declared that that petition had failed as the
“petitioner could not substantiate his claim before this honourable court.’’
“I hereby declare that Dilkon’s claim of adultery has failed and therefore is struck out.
“Fwenji’s demand for N10 million as damage can also not stand since he did not follow due process in filing his appeal. It is therefore discarded,’’ Mann further declared.

Charly Boy: "I do have my feminine side" eccentric star confirms

Area Father Charly Boy has finally opened up about those feminine traits he possesses.

The media personality was a guest on Adesuwa Onyenokwe's talk show, "Seriously Speaking". He also spoke about his tumultuous relationship with his late father and how he finally came around.

When asked about reasons why he cross-dresses, Charly Boy refuted that claim saying,

"I do have my feminine side. Like I asked you before this interview that "who do you want to interview? Charly Boy, Linda or the Odudu Bariba?"

I don't think you would like the Odudu Bariba because a lot of things can go wrong. Spiritual things, especially if the atmosphere if there's any witch here it will show up."

Mr Oputa is that ordinary regular guy that father, husband who is more or less a family kind of guy. Very boring, an introvert.

Mr Oputa is a shy guy. He hides behind Charly Boy."

Wizkid - 'African bad girl' ft Chris Brown

Nigeria's Starboy and America's R&B star release this high profile collaborative song dedicated to the African lady.

Wizkid and Chris Brown  (Instagram)

Wizkid has released the Sarz produced single 'African girl' which features Chris Brown.

The pair in 2016 performed the song at a Chris Brown  'One Hell of A Night tour '  at the Ziggo dome stage, Amsterdam Netherlands.

The song is expected to be on the list of tracks that would be on Wizkid's "Sounds From The Other Side" mixtape set for release on July 7, 2017.

Download, listen and share your thoughts.

War in Calabar: Many dead as Naval officers burn down police station

Several police officers are feared to have been killed Tuesday night after suspected officials of the Nigerian Navy stormed a police division in Calabar, southern Nigeria.

Witnesses told PREMIUM TIMES the attack, which began shortly after 8:30 p.m., was still underway as at 10:19 p.m. at Akim Divisional Headquarters.

“The police station is still burning as we speak,” a horrified witness stated.

Naval spokesperson, Suleiman Dahun, said he wasn’t aware of the development as at 10:26 p.m., promising to revert after his findings.

Police spokesperson, Jimoh Moshood, could not be reached for comments Tuesday night.

Sources said the unrest was a continuation of an initial skirmish between a police traffic officer and a naval officer at a traffic light near the Calabar Stadium along the Airport Road on Tuesday afternoon.

“Some naval officers ran the red light and police traffic officers intervened, but rather than listen, they descended on the policemen and beat them up,” a witness said. “This was around 5 p.m.”

“Police officers now called for back up and and the Navy also called for reinforcement and they took over the road leading to the airport.

“But the Navy Commander and police commissioner in the state intervened and the two sides backed down,” the witness said.

“However, around 8:00 p.m., when everyone thought the matter had been resolved, naval officers descended on Akim Police Station and started shooting and burnt down the facility.

“We confirmed three bodies but we feared there are more,” the witness said.

The witness also accused the naval officers of blocking fire fighters from extinguishing the inferno set at the police station.

Man Who Tried To Steal A Vehicle In Computer Village Caught (Photos)

A car theft was reported at the Computer village. Man was caught inside a packed bus who was trying to start the bus but got caught in the process.

According to an eye witness, this was what he narrated to a reliable source
“I can’t just believe someone can just walk in to a car with master key to drive out of computer village in broad day light publicly.

If not for God, But unfortunately was blocked as he was trying to start the the bus, the lady that has shop opposite where the bus was packed notice that someone is in the bus and she alert the owner of vehicle. The owner was shocked said “I locked the door how come he open the door.”

We now drag him down..we want to beat him before, but one uniform man advice us to leave because is not normal. I think they have beaten him somewhere before he come for this operation”

These 7 Nollywood Actresses Gave Up Their Acting Career For Marriage

Acting has always been their dream and passion but for some of this Nollywood actresses, they had to leave all that behind to focus on family.

Some relocated to be with their husbands outside Nigeria while others are still in Nigeria but hardly in the public eye.

7 Nollywood actresses that left the movie industry for family.

1. Sandra Achums

Former Nollywood actress, Sandra Achums resides in Germany with her husband and is currently blessed with four children.

Achums was a well known face in most  Nollywood movies, Sandra left the Nollywood scene after getting married to her German based lover.

She sure has paid her dues in the industry before leaving her first love to make a family.

2. Regina Askia

Former beauty queen and former Nollywood actress, Regina Askia left the Nollywood scene in the late 90’s. She was once amongst the ‘Glamour Girls’ of the movie industry before relocating to the US and taking up a job at a New York hospital.

The social critic is happily married to Rudy Williams and has a daughter and son.

3. Lepa Shandy

Nollywood actress, Folashade Omoniyi known as Lepa Shandy in 2012 got married to her Dublin based boyfriend, Dayo David Adewale. She has since been minimal on the movie scene due to her spending quality time with her family.

4. Victoria Inyama

Victoria was one of the most promising starlets of her time, till she decided to give it all away for marriage in the states.

5. Dolly Nwachukwu

Fair skinned beauty, Dolly Nwachukwu acted in movies like ‘Bitter Encounter’ and ‘Deadly Affair’ before leaving our TV Screen for marriage outside the country.

She hasn’t been heard from ever since.

6. Maureen Solomon

Maureen Solomon married her husband, Okeke on December 6, 2005, however, the actress took a break to concentrate on her family.  She may not be so active at the moment, but she was once one of Nollywood’s popular faces.

7. Caroline Ekanem

Caroline Ekanem who married Musa Danjuma was one of the pretty Nollywood faces back in the day. Since her marriage to Danjuma in 2007, she was hardly seen on movie scenes.

Man Who Tried To Steal A Vehicle In Computer Village Caught (Photos)

A car theft was reported at the Computer village. Man was caught inside a packed bus who was trying to start the bus but got caught in the process.

According to an eye witness, this was what he narrated to a reliable source
“I can’t just believe someone can just walk in to a car with master key to drive out of computer village in broad day light publicly.

If not for God, But unfortunately was blocked as he was trying to start the the bus, the lady that has shop opposite where the bus was packed notice that someone is in the bus and she alert the owner of vehicle. The owner was shocked said “I locked the door how come he open the door.”

We now drag him down..we want to beat him before, but one uniform man advice us to leave because is not normal. I think they have beaten him somewhere before he come for this operation”

E-money in all shades of swag in his N35 million customized Mercedes bus (photos)

Celebrated Nigerian millionaire Emeka Okonkwo popularly known as E-Money is no doubt one of the most successful young men in the country.

E-Money is the younger brother of popular Nigerian music artist Kingsley Okonkwo, also known as Kcee and they both own a record label, Five Star Music. He is also the proud owner of Emmy Cargoes Limited.

Married to Juliet Okonkwo whom he met and started dating while they were in school, E-Money and wife are now blessed with three children and live in the United Kingdom (UK). E-Money visits his family every two weeks.

E-Money with his family having a ride in the N35m Mercedes bus

Aside from being called E-Money due to his luxurious lifestyle, the young man is called Arab Money and can be described as one of the big fishes in oil production, gas industries and shipping in Nigeria.

The young millionaire is never afraid of flaunting his luxurious lifestyle on his social media hands especially, Instagram. He owns a very luxurious mansion filled with cars of his choice. Despite warnings from state authorities, he still flaunts his wealth but moves around with armed police officers.

E-Money and wife Juliet Okonkwo

E-money rocking his agbada
E-money dressed like an Arabian prince
CEO Emmy Cargoes Limited
E-money in all shades of swag In his N35 million customized Mercedes bus (photos)
Five Star Music boss

Lagos church saga: Sacked chaplain has a house not disclosed

…the EX-PUNCH staff built house as advert staff

The sacked Chaplain of the Chapel of Christ the Light, Venerable Femi Taiwo, owns a house around Abule Egba, a Lagos suburb but lied to church members that he was stranded after his sack by the Governing Council of the church, we can authoritatively reveal.

The four bedroom bungalow and a 2-bedroom boys quarters at the back, our reporter learnt from reliable sources, are fetching the controversial pastor tidy sum yearly aside his tidy salary as the chaplain of the government-owned church.

It was gathered that the tall and lanky pastor built the house while he was a staff of Punch newspaper working in the advert department. But he hid the development from the Church management who would have queried the source of his ‘wealth.’

A source close to the ex chaplain at Punch Nig Ltd said: “You know Pastor Taiwo was close to the powers that be in the management because he was their mole at the advert department, always leaking information on how the advert department was being run and how commissions were being approved or diverted. But little did the management know he was a beneficiary of the same racket he was giving information about. So he cleverly kept the news about his  house from the management and most staff so that he could continue to enjoy the trust of his bosses. You know he was picked as the mole because he had started his biblical studies while in Punch and Management thought he could be trusted as a pastor in the making.”

It was gathered that when the Chaplain ran into trouble waters with the church and was eventually sacked, it was to Punch, his old employers that he ran to but u fortunately fed them half truths, which is why it us only Punch that has been publishing one-side stories around his plight.

It was learnt that one of such one-sided stories is the clem that Reverend Taiwo was ejected from his official house and that church members came to his rescue with a new apartment that is furnished.

But a source disclosed that although the Pastor was relieved of his duty a government chaplain, he was never asked to leave his apartment I’m within 24-hours. “It was a convenient lie sold to Punch and the public to curry public sentiment. Is it as if the Pastor had no savings or that the rent he collects from the house he didn’t disclose to his church members was fetching him cool money yearly.”

The source who said the pastor must seek forgiveness for the blackmail against the governor’s wife added that many church members knew Pastor Taiwo as an arrogant serial liar. “If he could lie to the church’s governing council about an unauthorised meeting he had with the First Lady and that his family would be stranded after willingly moving out of the official quarters when he owns a house, who knows what other lies he would have sold to his parent church and to the newspaper championing his cause.”

It was however gathered having sensed that his fate hangs in the balance,  Venerable Taiwo has been making moves to retrace his steps and tender a public apology to the church and to the first family.

Woman raped at gunpoint sentenced to death for adultery

A 19-year-old woman has been sentenced to death by village elders in Pakistan’s Punjab province for allegedly having an illicit relationship with her cousin after she accused him of raping her at gunpoint.

According to Hindustimes, the incident happened on Friday in Rajanpur, a rural district about 400 kilometres from provincial capital Lahore.

Shumaila was said to have escaped from the village after she came to know of the panchayat’s decision and reported the matter to police.

The woman has denied having any illicit relationship with her cousin Khalil Ahmed and alleged that he raped her at gunpoint when she was sleeping at her house.

“I could not raise an alarm as Ahmed was holding a gun. But the panchayat refused to accept my statement and declared that I wilfully slept with him,” she told the police.

She said the panchayat did not take action against Ahmed.

Fearing for her life, she approached the police on Saturday.

“We have registered a FIR against the panchayat members and will take them into custody for declaring her kaari (liable to death either by stoning or else),” Hasnain said.

The SHO of Fazilpur Police Station, Qaisar Hasnain, said Shumaila’s father said in a statement that he was forced to accept the panchayat’s decision.

“Since the panchayat declared her liable to be killed he had to accept the decision as it was the tradition of his village,” he said.

The police have sent Shumaila to a government safe house for women in Rajanpur.

“Honour” killings and death sentences are usually sanctioned through the panchayat system in Pakistani villages, but they have no legal standing.

Hausa actress Rabi Ismail, who was sentenced to death, recaptured 6 years after she escaped from prison

Intelligence Unit of the Nigerian Prisons Service, with the support of men of the State Security Service, SSS has recaptured condemned Hausa film actress, Rabi Ismail, who escaped from Hadejia Prison on December 16, 2011.

Rabi Ismail was sentenced to death by hanging, for culpable homicide by a High Court in Kano on the 5th of January, 2005. 
She was subsequently held in Kaduna Central prison from where she was transferred to Hadejia prison before she escaped about 6 years ago.

In July 2011, the Supreme Court upheld the sentence of the lower courts that sentenced her to death by hanging for killing a male friend, Auwalu Ibrahim, to acquire his property. The court found her guilty for drugging and drowning Mr Ibrahim in 2002 in Kano.

The Controller General of Prisons expressed appreciation to the assistance rendered by security agencies particularly the SSS and the police in arresting the fugitive.

He appealed to members of the public to continue to provide useful information on escapees and indeed any criminal element in their midst to security agents, noting that such outlaws pose security threats to the society.

He assures that security measures have been strengthened to prevent persons in prison custody from escaping.

Hausa actress Rabi Ismail, who was sentenced to death, recaptured 6 years after she escaped from prison

Intelligence Unit of the Nigerian Prisons Service, with the support of men of the State Security Service, SSS has recaptured condemned Hausa film actress, Rabi Ismail, who escaped from Hadejia Prison on December 16, 2011.

Rabi Ismail was sentenced to death by hanging, for culpable homicide by a High Court in Kano on the 5th of January, 2005. 
She was subsequently held in Kaduna Central prison from where she was transferred to Hadejia prison before she escaped about 6 years ago.

In July 2011, the Supreme Court upheld the sentence of the lower courts that sentenced her to death by hanging for killing a male friend, Auwalu Ibrahim, to acquire his property. The court found her guilty for drugging and drowning Mr Ibrahim in 2002 in Kano.

The Controller General of Prisons expressed appreciation to the assistance rendered by security agencies particularly the SSS and the police in arresting the fugitive.

He appealed to members of the public to continue to provide useful information on escapees and indeed any criminal element in their midst to security agents, noting that such outlaws pose security threats to the society.

He assures that security measures have been strengthened to prevent persons in prison custody from escaping.

Doctor pioneering 'three-parent' babies

A 34-year-old woman tried to have a baby for 15 years before she turned to a pioneering doctor in Ukraine and a groundbreaking but ethically disputed "three-parent" procedure.

Pioneering doctor Valeriy Zukin created a moral dilemma by developing a novel and still-unperfected technique that allows infertile couples have babies with the help of a third parent  (AFP/File)

A 34-year-old woman tried to have a baby for 15 years before she turned to a pioneering doctor in Ukraine and a groundbreaking but ethically disputed "three-parent" procedure.

She became the mother of a healthy baby boy in January at a private clinic in Kiev using a process called pronuclear transfer that inserts the couple's genes into a donor's egg.

The procedure had been previously used to treat serious genetic diseases.

But doctor Valeriy Zukin become the first to use it to help two separate infertile couples have children in this way.

"There are patients whom we cannot help to have their own genetically-related baby unless we use this method," the 60-year-old told AFP at his Nadiya clinic.

Some two million women across the globe use in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to get pregnant every year.

But Zukin's treatment targets a tiny of women whose embryos suffer from a disorder called embryo arrest that can either stunt development or kill them.

The difference in the method Zukin uses is that a woman's egg is first fertilised with her partner's sperm.

Then its nucle percentage us is transferred to a donor's egg that has been stripped of its own nucleus.

The egg is thus almost entirely made up of genetic material from the couple -- plus a tiny amount (about 0.15 percent) from the female donor's DNA.

Need for caution

Not everyone however shares Zukin's enthusiasm.

Ukraine's conservative clerics argue that the technique breaches ethical norms.

Father Feodosiy of the dominant Ukrainian Orthodox Church says the procedure is 'morally unacceptable'  (AFP/File)

"A child can only have two parents and the presence of a third person -- and especially the DNA of a third person -- is morally unacceptable," Father Feodosiy of the dominant Ukrainian Orthodox Church told AFP.

"It violates the sanctity of the marriage between woman and man."

Other religions have also weighed in on the issue with the Roman Catholic Church opposing the move because it would involve the destruction of human embryos as part of the process. The Church of England has said ethical concerns have not been sufficiently addressed.

Even some scientists have reservations.

They warn against jumping to early conclusions about how successful the method would be if it were to be applied to the general population.

"We cannot talk about its wide use yet," Larysa Tumanova, a professor at Kiev's Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, told AFP.

"First, we have to monitor the newborns' health until they turn at least three," she said.

Other experts point out that the "three-parent" technique -- a different form of which has also produced a baby in Mexico -- was initially being developed for those at very high risk of passing on serious genetic diseases.

Line of hopeful mums

Zukin strongly defends the work at his clinic.

"We explain the essence of the method to each patient," he says. "We report possible risks."

And there is currently a line of hopeful mothers ready to pay the 12,000 euros ($13,100) it takes to undergo the pronuclear transfer procedure.

"We have patients from Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Israel, Portugal and Brazil," he says.

Embryologist Viktor Nagornyi working in the Kiev-based Nadiya private fertility clinic  (AFP/File)

Zukin thinks between 10,000 and 20,000 women a year could potentially be candidates for using the method to conceive -- a figure large enough to seek out a foreign partnership that could study how best to use this technique.

His health centre is now working with China's Shanghai University to determine the genetic causes of abnormalities in embryo development at an early stage.

"I hope that through joint efforts, we will be able to find in a more targeted way those whom this method will help," Zukin says.

3 women gang rape 23-year-old man several times in 3 days

Three young women took turns raping a man over several days in South Africa, after they drugged him and held him against his will, say police.

Detectives said the 23-year-old man was left severely traumatised after he was abducted from a taxi and gang raped for three days.

He told police he lost consciousness after being injected with a substance and woke up in a room where he was raped several times a day.

Police launched a hunt for the women and driver, and appealed for information after the man was freed by his captors.

The man, from Pretoria, South Africa, told detectives that the women were inside the taxi, along with the driver, when he hailed it down on May 19.

They were travelling towards the city’s central business district when the taxi changed direction, Colette Weilbach, police spokeswoman told Times Live.

She said the man was ordered to sit in the front passenger seat, where one of the women injected him with a substance.

The man passed out and was taken to an unknown location.

“He stated that he woke up in an unfamiliar room on a single bed,”  Weilbach said.

“The female suspects then allegedly forced the man to drink an energy drink‚ before taking turns raping him numerous times a day.”

She said the man went to police after he was dropped off in an open field in Benoni, about 30 miles south of central Pretoria, on May 22.

He was “very traumatised” by the incident and received medical treatment.

Weilbach promised a “robust” investigation, adding: “The South African Police Service take all sexual offences seriously regardless of gender.”

As they hunt for the trio, police are investigating whether the suspects have carried out similar attacks.

Efe named as Nigeria’s Youth Ambassador

- The 2017 Big Brother Naija contestants are all working to ensure that they are not forgotten easily

- Winner of the show Efe Ejeba even has governmental support

- Heis recently named a Youth Ambassador

Week in week out Big Brother Naija winner Efe Ejeba proves to Nigeria and the rest of the world that he plans to do more with his new found celebrity status.

The budding musician was recently named as a Youth Ambassador for Nigeria and as a result he would be visiting Germany to attend the Berlin Youth Entrepreneurship summit.

Minister of Sports and Youth Development Barrister Solomon Dalung revealed this via his Facebook page. See his full post below:

Efe Ejeba to join other young entrepreneurs in Berlin Germany

Youth & Sports Minister

"Based on logistics" I have directed the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Youth and Sports to include the newly decorated "Youth Ambassador of Nigeria" Efe Ejeba the winner of Big Brother Nigeria on the list of youths that will participate in the Berlin Youth Entrepreneurship summit taking place in Germany next month.

Congratulations and we wish him well.

God bless #NigerianYouths

Congrats indeed to Efe.

End of the road for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Due To Lack Of Sponsorship

Popular TV Quiz gameshow, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be going on a temporary hiatus, due to a lack of sponsorship. The show, whi...

Vicher Entertainment