WATCH: Nicki Minaj Reveals If She and Nas Are Having Adult Sleepovers

Leave it to Ellen DeGeneres to convince Nicki Minaj to address the dating rumors surrounding her and Nas.

Minaj stopped by to visit the Generous Queen on Tuesday’s episode of Ellen. During their time together, DeGeneres asked Minaj about the breast-baring outfit that she wore during Paris Fashion Week and asked her if she could elaborate on the nature of her relationship with Nas.

“There’s a rumor y’all are dating, and if it’s true, I’m all for it,” DeGeneres said. “I love him so much—ever since ‘One Mic.’ That’s where I first found him. He’s fantastic and a really good guy.”

“He’s so dope,” Minaj responded. “He’s the king. He is the King of Queens, and I’d like to think I’m the Queen of Queens…I have a lot of respect for him. And, you know, he’s kind of cute, too.”

DeGeneres took things one step further by asking Minaj if they’ve had sleepovers yet.

“We have. Yup,” Minaj said. “I go to him. I just thought him coming to me was too forward.”

The singer clarified that they haven’t done “the nasty” quite yet, especially since she only parted ways with her longtime significant other Meek Mill just last year.

“I’m just chillin’ right now. I’m celibate. I wanted to go a year without dating any man. I hate men,” Minaj said, which DeGeneres can relate to—albeit for a different reason. Once the laughter subsided, she said, “I might make an exception to the rule for him, because he’s so dope.”

Watch the clip at the top of the page and watch Minaj convince DeGeneres to start a feud with Oprah in another clip from her appearance below.

Finally Falz Opens Up On Relationship With Simi. See What He Said..

Speculations have surrounded the nature of the relationship between rapper, Falz and singer, Simi – two artistes working to make the ‘A list’ in Nigeria’s music industry. Rapper, Falz, has recently addressed rumors of a romantic relationship with singer, Simi, letting the whole world know both singers aren’t yet in a romantic relationship. Their first …

“He’s The King,” Nicki Minaj Reveals Her New Boyfriend Months After Dumping Meek Mill

American rapper, Nicki Minaj has finally opened up and admitted to dating rapper, Nas. The admission comes months after the rapper broke up with her former boyfriend, Meek Mill over infidelity. Nicki Minaj’s relationship with the legendary rapper was confirmed during her recent feature on Ellen DeGeneres show. Recall that the couple had shared a…

Rihanna And Lupita Nyong’o To Star In A Buddy Movie That Started As Twitter Meme

A few weeks ago, a meme of Rihanna and Lupita Nyong’o sitting together front row at a Miu Miu fashion show went viral after Twitter users called for it to be made into a movie directed by Ave DuVernay.

Well…it’s happening! Netflix has officially bought the project with everyone attached.

According to Ew, after dramatic negotiation session at the Cannes Film Festival, Netflix has nabbed a film project pairing Grammy winner Rihanna with Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o, in a concept that began as a Twitter sensation. Ava DuVernay (Selma) will direct, and Issa Rae (Insecure) is in talks to write the screenplay.

According to sources, Netflix landed the project in a very aggressive bid, beating out multiple other suitors. Netflix had no comment.

The project began as a Twitter meme when the photo above — a shot that was taken in 2014 of the two women in the front row of a Miu Miu fashion show — went viral, prompting calls to turn it into a movie.

Twitter users went so far as to ask for DuVernay (who is in post-production on A Wrinkle in Time for Disney) to direct, with Rae (whose second season of HBO’s Insecure will debut on July 23) to write. All four women pledged their support to the project on the social media platform.

Since then, the buzz has only intensified, with some creating concept art of the “scammer story” they envisioned with Rihanna playing a woman who cons white men, while her brilliant co-conspirator (played by Nyong’o) orchestrates the heists. It’s unclear how faithful Rae will remain to the crowd-sourced concept.

But if she needs a suggestion for the ending, Rihanna’s appearance on the Cannes red carpet sparked inspiration from her fans.

Sources say Rae is already working on the script and the studio is eyeing a production start of 2018 after DuVernay completes her current film.

Graphics Photos: Police gun down two suspected kidnappers in Anambra State

Two kidnap suspects were killed by men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Anambra State on Monday, May 22.

Parading the suspect alongside the bodies of the dead ones at the headquarters of the Anambra State Police Command, Amawbia, the State Commissioner of Police, Mr Sam Okaula said the suspects stormed the popular Lounge 24 Night Club and kidnapped the manager, one Chidi Ojukwu.

On receiving reports on the kidnap, the police team trailed the suspects to Urum area of the state where they engaged them in a gun duel, killing two while a third suspect, who was seriously wounded fled into the bush. One of the suspects said to be a special motorcyclist responsible for the collection of ransom was also arrested. The victim was rescued safely.

Mr. Okaula said some of the gang members who are at large would be arrested while information has been given on where they hid their arms.

He, therefore, warned criminals to exit the state as it would be made uncomfortable for them and their nefarious activities.

More photos below…

How you can become beautiful or handsome within short time

Check up 12 secrets of handsomeness, bountifulness

Are you an ugly looking guy? Do you have a bad teeth or do you have anything in your body which is making you look depress, “oh why am I so ugly like this” ?

I gust this is always your question but you don’t have to look worried because everybody on earth is handsome/beautiful and including you but you only need to carry out some simple tasks in order to bring out your fine looking face.

You see I always say something that the handsome guys and beautiful girls are more advantageous than the ugly ones.

I am sure you will agree with me that there is more to looking handsome/beautiful than looking ugly because an handsome/beautiful person is always loved and even taking as a celebrity anywhere he/she entered or go to and what do I mean by taking as celebrity.

Below are the tasks you will carry out in order to look good, handsome/beautiful

1. Smile Always

Oh you are laughing because of the number one task, it not funny but real and it really helps and even scientist proves this. Smiling will make you look happy, outgoing and most especially handsome, also it going to keep you from looking tired always.

2. Regular Bathing

This is indeed very important as it keeps the body fresh and cool. When you bath regularly, you wash away all the dirt and diseases on your body and I would advise you to practice this twice daily (Bath two times in a day) and make sure the water is clean.

3. Wash Your Mouth Regularly

I feel so scared whenever i come across some guys and girls with very dangerous teeth and some with a very polluted mouth odor.

Wash your mouth regularly after bathing or before bathing but make sure you do this before breakfast and also wash your mouth after dinner making it twice a day.

4. Diet Well

This task is very important because it deals with the inner part of the body which will end up to bring out the outer structure of the body so what you eat will determine your body structure, also will determine the level of your healthiness.

Eat well and don’t just eat any how food. Proper diet will determine your body structure, complexion, good weight and energy. Also eating well will prevent cavities.

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5. Maintain Your Hair Style

Maintaining your hairstyle is so good as it brings out the real shape of your face. Either low cut or any particular styling just make sure it is properly maintained by brushing it, regular plating, washing it and applying any hair cream/gel to make it look attractive and shinning.

6. Dress Well

Your dressing code defines your appearance and you should always maintain your dressing code. Always put on a neat cloth, shoe, and whatever thing you put on your body should always look good and attractive.

7. Keep A Neat and clean Long/Short Fingernails

Maintain the style of your fingernails and make sure they are always neat and clean in order to prevent germs.

8. Care For Your Skin

Your skin is your inner cloth which is covering your tissues and other organs in your body so they also need good care to function properly and to also look attractive. Look for a better lotion which fit with your body and make sure you apply it regularly after bathing so as to keep a fresh and attractive skin

9. Sleep When Necessary

Sleeping is very important to human beings and it is advisable for humans to sleep eight to nine hours at night. When sleeping your complexion, energy and overall appearance is being boasted.

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10. Regular Exercise

Exercising is so important because it releases endorphins that make you feel good and therefore more appealing to others. Also it makes you look fit and healthy.

11. Maintain a good body posture

Always walk upright, stand upright and also seat upright and always balance your body well

12. Confident

Among all the above listed task this is the most important task because it determines your success so have faith, believe and practiced all the task wisely.

Scientist urges expectant mothers to eat vegetables, live healthy lifestyle

Expectant mothers have been advised to eat locally made food, especially vegetables and fruits, for the proper development of their unborn babies.

Dr Marian Unachukwu, the President, Association of Female Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria, gave the advice in an interview with newsmen on Tuesday in Abuja.

“A woman who is pregnant needs blood and she can get it in her immediate environment by eating the proper vegetables and the proper fruits around her and keeping herself clean.

“Already the baby would have been formed by your maker, but what you need to do are the little things that you must do around you to help nurture the baby.

“Good food, simple hygiene and eating proper vegetables at the right time will nurture your baby.’’

Unachukwu also stressed the need for expectant mothers to keep the domestic environment clean to guard against infection and to ensure healthy living.

“In those days, our parents hardly had maternal mortalities; they were there, but very few, (those caused by) bleeding.

“But now people are so occupied with things they don’t even want to go to the hospital, and we have ante-natal care (to attend).

“So we are encouraging women in the rural areas; it is no longer in the days of our parents.

“You need to go for ante-natal care, you need to eat properly, you need to do simple hygiene at home to take care of your baby.

“Sometimes urinating and not properly cleaning up can give you urinary tract infection; and when you have urinary tract infection you are bound to infect your baby and from there you may die and the baby may also die.’’

See what Mark Zuckerberg's old dorm room looked like

We've all heard Facebook was founded in Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard dorm room, but now you can see it too.

Zuck, as he's called by friends, gave an impromptu 23-minute tour of his old haunt on Facebook Live video, holding his phone as he walked around the building telling old stories about Hot Pockets snacks, small beds and bad roommates.

"I think there is probably some good karma here," he said.

At one point he remarked about how more than 100,000 people were watching and by the time it finished, nearly 2 million people had watched.

Among the stories he told were of Facemash, a prank of sorts that asked students to rank one another's looks. When Zuckerberg realized it had taken off, he claimed he tried to shut it down, but couldn't log into his laptop. So Harvard threatened to shut down internet access across his dorm instead.

"That was pretty real, back then," he said.

Priscilla Chan, Zuckerberg's then-girlfriend who's now pregnant with the couple's second child, joined him on the tour and told stories about their opposite sleeping schedules and how much of a night owl Zuck was. She'd typically wake up around 5 a.m. just around the time when he'd go to sleep.

"When you're programming you want it to be quiet," he said.

Zuckerberg will be giving Harvard's commencement address on May 25, during which he'll finally receive a degree more than a decade after dropping out to work on Facebook.

Politics: UK prime minister raises terror threat level to 'critical,' warns further attacks could be 'imminent'

Prime Minister Theresa May said late Tuesday that the terror threat level in Britain has been increased from "severe" to "critical" after review by the independent organization the Joint Terrorism Analysis Center.

The increased threat level means "not only that an attack remains highly likely, but that a further attack may be imminent," May said. She added "the work undertaken today has revealed that it is a possibility we cannot ignore that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack."

The move came the day after 22 people were left dead after a suicide bombing in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert. At least 59 others were injured.

Police identified the attacker Tuesday was identified as 22-year-old Salman Abedi, who police said died in the attack. May suggested Abedi could have been part of a bigger network.

May said the change in the threat level would mean armed military personnel could be seen patrolling the streets of Britain, as well as certain events like "sports matches" and "concerts." She said those personnel would take the place of armed police officers, who would be deployed elsewhere. The armed military personnel will be under the command of local police forces, who will decide how to deploy them. Additional resources will be made available to police as they work to keep Britain safe, May said.

May finished her remarks saying she did not "want the public to feel public to feel unduly alarmed," but encouraged everyone to "stay vigilant."

White House: Trump 'united the entire Muslim world in a way that it really hasn't been in many years' on his big trip

The White House believes Trump united the Muslim world in a way that "really hasn't been" in "many years."

Donald Trump.  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

A senior White House official told reporters on Tuesday that President Donald Trump united the Muslim world in a way that "really hasn't been" done in "many years."

Trump on Tuesday wrapped up the Middle East leg of his first foreign trip as president. The trip included stops in Saudi Arabia and Israel.

"I think this trip was a big success because it was unexpected," the official said. "It went in the heart of one of the, I always say that the president is always at his best when he’s doing big things that are unexpected. … He was able to really go into Saudi Arabia, the custodian of the holy mosques, and then Donald Trump united the entire Muslim world in a way that it really hasn’t been in many years. So it really was very historic in that regard."

During the stop in Saudi Arabia, Trump delivered a speech to a group of leaders from dozens of Muslim nations. Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas while visiting Israel and the West Bank.

"The overall objective that we want to accomplish here is really try to find a peaceful way to create a new direction for the Middle East," the senior administration official told reporters Tuesday. "Where it's gone for the last 15 years has not been a good direction and we have to figure out how we do change that direction so that we obviously can have less war and more opportunity people there to live a better life."

The official said the Saudi Arabia stop was an "amazing coming together of a lot of people" who are "looking for an opportunity to follow the lead of what the president wanted to speak about."

Meek Mill Sued by Victims Shot Outside His Concert

Meek Mill SuedYour Thug Crowd Incited Violence!!

Meek Mill's murderous lyrics attracted a bunch of thugs which led to a hail of bullets that killed 2 men ... at least according to one of the victim's families.

The family of 31-year-old Travis Ward -- along with another man injured at the concert -- says the rapper's appearance at the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford, CT drew a violent crowd. It also says the venue allowed "thugs" to remain on the premises to incite violence after the concert.

As we reported ... 4 people were shot in December outside Meek's show. Travis' family says the Oakdale, which is also being sued, should have taken Meek's lyrics as a warning.

The lawsuit quotes Meek's track, "Tony Montana (Freestyle)" ... "AK-47 picture perfect like a camera ... What's your body count n****? I'm double digits."

The family's suing for unspecified damages.

We've reached out to Meek, so far no word back.

BREAKING: UNIOSUN shuts down campus over Air Force attack

UNIOSUN main campus

Femi Makinde, Osogbo

The management of the Osun State University has closed down the institution’s campus in Ipetu Ijesa following the invasion of the campus by some Airforce men on Tuesday.

The break which was announced in a statement signed on behalf of the Acting Registrar by A.A. Adeosun started on Tuesday and students are expected back on the campus on May 31.

The statement read, “The Vice Chancellor has approved that all students of Ipetu Ijesa Campus of Osun State University should proceed on one week break from today Tuesday May 23, 2017.

“The break is necessitated by the invasion of the campus and brutalisations of our staff and students by the men of the Nigerian Airforce Safety Institute, Ipetu Ijesa.

“Students are expected back on the campus on Wednesday 31st May 2017.”

Six People Burnt To Death After Accident Between Motorcycle And Vehicle In Kano (Photos)

A motorcycle carrying gallons of fuel caused a fatal accident today in Bebeji Local Government Area in Kano State. According to reports, the incident occurred on the day, after the motorcycle rider tried to avoid a car that tried to hit him. The gallons of fuel fell on the ground and exploded immediately -burning the car occupants and others.

According to reports, six passengers were burnt to death out of nine passengers as the rest were immediately rushed to the hospital...

Trump sure has issues with Melania

Trump and Melania: What’s going on?

President Donald Trump sure has a problem with his wife Melania. Twice, the US First Lady had rebuffed her husband as he made a bid to hold her publicly.

She did it in Israel.

She has done it again in Rome, as Trump arrived to begin the third leg of his overseas tour, the first since he was sworn on 20 January.

The People Magazine captured the second Melania rebuff of the most powerful leader on earth and says

“As the pair exited Air Force One in Rome Tuesday before a visit to the Vatican, the first lady can be seen pointedly using her left hand to fix her hair as the president makes an attempt to grab it.

The subtle move happened just one day after she was also seen subtly rebuffing her husband’s attempt at hand-holding as the pair walked away from the presidential plane on the Israeli tarmac.

The state of the Trump’s union has been the subject of scrutiny in recent weeks after the first lady’s verified personal Twitter account liked a tweet about her dramatic change in facial expressions at the inauguration when she smiled, then scowled, after the president glanced in her direction.

The tweet was un-liked after Twitter caught on, and Melania’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham, later told PEOPLE “The First Lady wasn’t aware of any of this until I brought it to her attention. It isn’t her primary account and we have since changed the passwords.”

See The Dead Body Of The Notorious Cultist ”Supreme” Killed By Soldiers In Rivers (Photos)

According to multiple online report,Mr. Supreme, the wanted leader of the notorious cult group, Dey Bam, tormenting communities in Rivers State, has been shot dead by troops of the Nigerian Army, over the weekend.

This followed a successful raid operation carried out in Sime Community in Tai Local Government Area by troops of the 29 Battalion deployed at Ebubu Eleme Local Government Area and the Anti-Robbery Team of 6 Division Nigerian Army deployed along Port Harcourt/Akwa Ibom Road.

The troop also overpowered and arrested another member of the cult group, ThankGod Ndunaka, who has been handed over to the police, while several other members escaped during the operation.

According to a statement issued on Tuesday by the Deputy Director, Army Public Relations, Colonel Aminu Iliyasu, operation was conducted by the army troop, acting on a tip-off.

1 arrest, raids, and controlled explosion as police investigate Manchester bomb attack

The police confirmed that an explosion at a concert on Monday night was being treated as a terrorist incident.

A police officer outside a residential property near where a man was arrested in the Chorlton area of Manchester, England, on Tuesday.  (REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth)

The suspected bomber has been named as Salman Abedi, according to Associated Press. Prime Minister Theresa May refused to comment on the reports. British officials had earlier in the day said that the identity of the suspect, who died in the attack, was known to police.

The first three victims of the attack to be named are 18-year-old Georgina Callander8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos, and 26-year-old John Atkinson. All died from injuries received during the attack.

David Ratcliffe, the medical director of North West Ambulance Service, told reporters that 12 children under the age of 16 were among 59 people taken to hospitals with injuries. The Guardian reports that victims of the blast have reportedly had to have surgery to remove metal bolts from their bodies.

The Islamic State, the terrorist group also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh, claimed responsibility for the attack on Tuesday morning via Amaq, a news agency linked to the group, according to the Press Association.

ISIS later released a statement in English, saying the bombing was carried out by "a soldier of the Khilafah."

The Greater Manchester Police carried out raids in connection to the attack across the city on Tuesday, and a 23-year-old man was arrested. A controlled explosion was also carried out in the Fallowfield area of Manchester as part of the raids.

Prime Minister Theresa May condemned what she called a "callous attack," and US President Donald Trump called it the work of an "evil loser." The two held a phone call Tuesday morning, with Trump offering US aid in investigating the attack.

null  (Reuters)

The explosion occurred at about 10:30 p.m. local time at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. Chief Constable Ian Hopkins of the Manchester police said the attacker was a lone man "carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated causing this atrocity."

The police on Tuesday said the attacker died in the explosion.

23-year-old arrested, armed police raid flat

Hopkins said: "We would ask people not to speculate on his details or to share names ... There is a complex and wide-ranging investigation under way."

At 11:50 a.m. local time on Tuesday, the Press Association cited the Greater Manchester Police as saying a 23-year-old man was arrested in connection with the attack, reportedly outside a supermarket in the Chorlton area.

Manchester-based journalist Ed Caesar, a freelancer who has written for The New Yorker and the Sunday Times, has tweeted a picture that he said was the 23-year-old being arrested.

Armed police officers later raided two addresses near the Chorlton area of Manchester, The Guardian reports. The man who the police suspect of carrying out the attack is believed to have lived in a flat raided by the police, the paper reports.

Police investigators work at residential property in south Manchester, Britain May 23, 2017.  (REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth)

"Police have executed warrants, one in Whalley Range, and one in Fallowfield, where a controlled explosion took place, as part of the investigation into last night's horrific attack at the Manchester arena."

The Guardian quotes the owner of the management company that runs the flats as saying:

"All the people are living here are families. I can't believe that. I did not know them personally but have a good number coming from outside the UK, like students, but we don't have any people living on their own. It is not good news.

"We have students from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya and then families from Manchester. They are two-bed flats. They are from every race."

More armed police have reportedly arrived at an address in Manchester at 3.30 p.m. local time, according to the Guardian's North of England correspondent.

Interpol is in "close liaison" with the UK police and its National Central Bureau in Manchester, the BBC reports.

Hopkins has appealed to the public to upload any pictures or videos to this service to aid the police investigation.

The Arndale Shopping Centre in central Manchester, near the site of the attack, was evacuated on Tuesday lunchtime but was quickly reopened. One man was arrested on the scene, but it is unclear whether there is any link to the bombing.

May: A 'callous terrorist attack'

Hopkins did not name the victims, but The Evening Standard named Callander, 18, as one of the 22 people killed. Friends on Tuesday said she was one of the first people rushed to hospitals after the attack.

Roussos, 8, has also been named as among those who died in the attack. Chris Upton, the head teacher at Tarleton Community Primary School, where she was a pupil, told The Guardian:

"Saffie was simply a beautiful little girl in every aspect of the word. She was loved by everyone and her warmth and kindness will be remembered fondly. Saffie was quiet and unassuming with a creative flair."

Manchester Evening News first named John Atkinson, 26, as among those who have died. Greater Manchester Police later confirmed this.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd and British Prime Minister Theresa May with Chief Constable Ian Hopkins of the Greater Manchester Police.  (Leon Neal/Getty Images)

May arrived at the Greater Manchester Police headquarters with Home Secretary Amber Rudd shortly before 2 p.m. local time.

The Prime Minister arrived at the Manchester's children hospital shortly after 3.30 p.m. local time to visit young victims of the attack.

Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5, condemned the attack as "disgusting" and said the security service remained "relentlessly focused, in numerous current operations, on doing all we can to combat the scourge of terrorism and keep the country safe."

Mayor Andy Burnham of Greater Manchester told journalists just before 11 a.m. local time that an "extremist" was responsible for the attack. Earlier Burnham tweeted: "My heart goes out to families who have lost loved ones, my admiration to our brave emergency services. A terrible night for our great city."

Queen sends 'deepest sympathy'

Multiple public figures and politicians have reacted to the attacks. The Queen released a statement praising the strength of the people of Manchester:

Prince Charles has also released a statement, saying:

"My wife and I were so profoundly shocked to learn of the truly dreadful event which took place in Manchester last night.

"That such a large number of people, including so many young concert-goers, lost their lives or have suffered so much in this appalling atrocity is deeply distressing and fills us with intense sadness.

"Words cannot adequately express what so many families must be feeling at this incredibly difficult time and our most heartfelt sympathy is with all those who have so tragically lost loved ones or who have been affected in some way."

The Archbishop of Canterbury tweeted:

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was one of the first to comment on events, saying his "thoughts are with all those affected." Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron added: "Deepest condolences to the victims and families in Manchester."

Scottish Parliament held a minute's silence on Tuesday to commemorate those who lost their lives:

Trump: 'Evil loser'

Trump said in a statement from Bethlehem, "I would like to begin by offering my prayers to the people of Manchester," and he called the attacker an "evil loser." He also said "wicked ideology" had to be "completely obliterated."

The White House released a statement Tuesday afternoon saying Trump had held a phone call with May from Jerusalem. Here's the statement in full:

"President Donald J. Trump spoke this morning from Jerusalem with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom about the apparent terrorist act in Manchester, England.

"The two leaders agreed that this attack — which targeted teenage children and their friends at a joyous event — was particularly wanton and depraved.

"The president reassured the prime minister that Americans stand with the people of the United Kingdom and that our resolve will never waiver in the face of terrorism. He offered American aid in the United Kingdom's investigation and vowed to continue the mutual fight against terrorism.

"Both leaders commended the courage, speed, and professionalism of those who responded to the wounded, secured the innocent, and tended to the survivors and their families.

"The president said he looks forward to seeing Prime Minister May in person this week and discussing America's unbreakable commitment to the United Kingdom and the ways both countries can work with allies and partners around the world to defeat terrorism."

Trump and May will meet at a G-7 meeting in Italy later this week.

'The most horrific incident we have had to face in Greater Manchester'

Here is the full statement from Hopkins, the chief constable, providing all the details for people to get in touch (emphasis ours):

"This has been the most horrific incident we have had to face in Greater Manchester and one that we all hoped we would never see.

"Families and many young people were out to enjoy a concert at the Manchester Arena and have lost their lives. Our thoughts are with those 22 victims that we now know have died, the 59 people who have been injured, and their loved ones. We continue to do all we can to support them. They are being treated at eight hospitals across Greater Manchester.

"This is a fast-moving investigation and we have significant resources deployed to both the investigation and the visible patrols that people will see across Greater Manchester as they wake up to news of the events last night. This will include armed officers as people would expect. More than 400 officers have been involved in the operation during the night.

"To remind you, we were called at 10.33 p.m. to reports of an explosion at the Manchester Arena at the conclusion of an Ariana Grande concert. More than 250 calls came in and emergency services were very quickly on scene. Emergency numbers have been established for anyone who is concerned for loved ones who may not have returned home: 0161 856 9400 or 0161 856 9900.

"We have been treating this as a terrorist incident and we believe that while the attack last night was conducted by one man; the priority is to establish whether he was acting alone or as part of a network.

"The attacker, I can confirm, died at the arena. We believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated, causing this atrocity.

"We would ask people not to speculate on his details or to share names. There is a complex and wide-ranging investigation under way.

"Our priority is to work with the national counterterrorist policing network and UK intelligence services to establish more details about the individual who carried out this attack."

Police officers and fans close to the Manchester Arena on Monday night.  (Dave Thompson/Getty Images)

Numerous false stories went viral and were reported by some of Britain's biggest newspapers in the moments following Monday night's attack.

Grande's manager, Scooter Braun, followed up with a statement, saying in part:

"We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act. We are thankful for the selfless service tonight of Manchester's first responders who rushed towards danger to help save lives."

The police detonated a suspicious item in a controlled explosion shortly after the attack but later determined the item to be only "abandoned clothing."

Eyewitnesses initially suggested that the bomb used in the attack could have contained nails and other metal items.

The bomb's explosion caused concertgoers to scramble out of the concert building, and videos posted on social media showed police cars and ambulances rushing to the scene. The British transport police said the explosion occurred in the "foyer area," or lobby, of the Manchester Arena, which has a capacity of 21,000.

Two women near the Manchester Arena.  (REUTERS/Andrew Yates)

"We had floor seats and were just heading to exit. There was a massive bang from towards the back of the arena from the corridor area.

"Everyone went silent, and then huge crowds of people came running from the back and everyone was screaming and crying. We just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, so we just headed straight for the exit. When we got up to the corridor there was smoke and we could smell burning. We just ran outside and got as far away as we could."

Speaking with Manchester Evening News, concertgoer Sibion Joyce said: "The concert had ended and she had played her last encore. She went off and the lights came on. Everyone got up to leave. As we did we just heard a loud bang. People were running and people were really scared."

Emergency services arriving close to the Manchester Arena.  (Dave Thompson/Getty Images)

Police officers next to a police cordon outside the Manchester Arena.  (REUTERS/Andrew Yates)

Concertgoers were offered accommodation by locals, with people using the #roomformanchester on Twitter to help those in the city stranded without a place to stay. A hunt for missing people is underway.

Burnham, the mayor, delivered a speech on the situation Tuesday morning. Here are some key quotes from the speech:

"I want to thank the hundreds of police, fire and ambulance staff who worked through the night …

"I want to thank the people of Manchester: even in the minutes after the attack they opened their doors to strangers and drove them away from the attack. It will be that spirit of Manchester that will prevail and hold us together.

"I remember how London felt on that day, I remember it vividly … Manchester will pull together … that's what we are, that's what we do. They won't win. This city has dealt with difficult things in the past and we will do so now."

Manchester Central MP Lucy Powell added:

Mayor Sadiq Khan of London also made a statement on Twitter: "London stands with Manchester — our thoughts are with all those killed and injured tonight and our brave emergency services:"

Here is his full statement he released shortly after:

Video captures the moment of the explosion:

Another showed how the blast caused pandemonium inside the Manchester Arena and people ran for safety:

Man United boss Mourinho makes heartfelt claim about Manchester terror attacks

In their hearts

The terror attack in Manchester has touched the hearts of everyone in the world, and the Manchester United players who are about to face Ajax in the Europa League final, are all too aware of the feeling in the city and around the world.

After the devastating attack that cost at least 22 people their lives and injured countless others, Jose Mourinho has made it clear that he and the squad are thinking about the city and the victims at this horrible time.

Mourinho said“We’re all very sad about the tragic events last night.

“We can’t take out of our minds and hearts the victims and their families.

“We have a job to do and will fly to Sweden to do that job. It’s a pity we cannot fly with the happiness we always have before a big game.

“I know, even during my short time here, that the people of Manchester will pull together as one.”

Massive final

The final is huge in terms of Manchester, and also in terms of United’s season – with the winner of course guaranteed a place in the Champions League, and therefore seeing their season next time out change totally.

It would mark a failure for United and Mourinho should they lose the final, and there’s no getting away from that, no matter how emotional the occasion may have become

Facebook Live adds chat and joint video streams

Facebook is trying to make it easier to connect with other people during live broadcasts.

Facebook Live, the social network's livestreaming video service, on Tuesday added two new features.

First off, you can chat privately with a friend during a live video, instead of just seeing the public comments on the stream. Right now Facebook is just testing the feature and will make it available to everyone later.

Second, the social network is opening up joint live streams to everyone, so you can share your screen with someone in a different location. Previously, the feature was open just to public figures.

The new features come as Facebook deals with major controversies involving videos posted to the social network. In the last few weeks, people have used the platform to broadcast killings, suicide and other violence over the internet.

When CEO Mark Zuckerberg took the stage last month at F8, Facebook's annual developer conference, he said Facebook is addressing this problem, and "has more work" to do.

Why Facebook is the worst thing for a new mother's mental health, fueling anxiety, depression and stress

You haven't showered in a few days, and you haven't brushed your teeth yet this morning.

But, your baby is one month old today! You picked out the perfect outfit and made sure the lighting was just right for the perfect photo. You posted the best one on Facebook this morning, and you keep checking to see if anyone has 'liked' the picture.

But, after scrolling through the 'likes' and comments, you notice that your mother-in-law, who is always online, hasn't responded to the picture of her darling grandbaby yet.

Why not? What gives? Perhaps she didn't see it yet… or maybe she doesn't like the baby's outfit. Maybe she thinks you're not a good mother.

And what about that friend of yours from high school? You always 'like' and comment on the photos of her kids… why hasn't she acknowledged your baby's photo? Perhaps you aren't such a good mother after all.

To some, this scenario might sound ridiculous, but it is a real and frequent consequence of being a new mother and sharing on Facebook.

Professor Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan says her study found certain mothers – specifically, those who were more concerned with others validating their identities as mothers and those who believed that others expect them to be perfect parents – were more active on Facebook

So, when one of my graduate students approached me about creating and including a survey about new parents' social networking in my latest parenting study, the New Parents Project, I jumped at the chance. I was interested in how often new parents used social networking sites, why some used them more than others, and what the impact might be on new parents' mental health. Here are some things we found.

Why would a busy and exhausted new mother use valuable time to craft the perfect baby photo for Facebook? Moreover, why should she care so much about how these 'friends' – some of whom are family and close friends, but many of whom are mere acquaintances – respond to photos of her baby?

To connect. Being a new mother can be lonely and overwhelming.

When I joined Facebook in 2008, my daughter was past the baby stage, but I noticed immediately that Facebook was littered with photos and posts about babies and young children.

I was by no means the first or the only person to recognize this phenomenon. Parent 'overshare' on Facebook prompted the launch of the 'STFU, parents' humor site in 2009.

I also joined right in. I found myself increasingly focused on capturing the perfect images of my daughter's accomplishments and adventures and anxiously awaiting the stream of likes and comments that would give me the boost I needed as I struggled to manage parenting a toddler while working full-time.

I didn't always feel boosted.

Our study looked at new parents' use of Facebook. It followed 182 dual-earner couples who were expecting their first child across the year surrounding their transition to parenthood.

Greater Facebook activity was also linked to elevated parenting stress for new mothers

When their babies were nine months old, we surveyed these mothers and fathers about their use of Facebook and other social networking sites in the early months of parenthood.

We asked our questions of fathers as well as of mothers, but we quickly discovered that mothers were the ones spending more time on social networking sites and taking primary responsibility for posting baby photos. Thus, we focused our research on new mothers.

One of the first things we discovered was that certain mothers – specifically, those who were more concerned with others validating their identities as mothers and those who believed that others expect them to be perfect parents – were more active on Facebook. They reported stronger emotional reactions when posted photos of their child received more or fewer likes and comments than anticipated.

We then tested whether Facebook use was associated with elevated depressive symptoms in the first months of parenthood. Indeed, we found that mothers who were more prone to seek external validation for their mothering identity and were perfectionistic about parenting experienced increases in depressive symptoms indirectly through higher levels of Facebook activity. Moreover, greater Facebook activity was also linked to elevated parenting stress for new mothers.

How might greater Facebook use lead new mothers to feel stressed and blue?

A related study may provide an answer. Based on survey data from 721 mothers, Sarah Coyne from Brigham Young University and her colleagues reported that mothers who more frequently compared themselves to others on social networking sites felt more depressed, more overloaded in the parental role, and less competent as parents.

The authors noted that people tend to portray themselves in a highly positive manner on social networking sites. This may be particularly true for mothers, who can feel pressured to be perfect parents.

'I think mothers should carefully consider their motivations for using Facebook and their reactions to Facebook activity,' writes Professor Schoppe-Sullivan

If you are comparing yourself to others' seemingly perfect images of parenting and family life, you may inevitably come up short. This may be especially true for new mothers whose experiences have gone differently than expected. Think about the new mother who was determined to have a natural birth but ended up having a cesarean section, or the new mother whose child was born premature or with a developmental disability.

Thus, it may not merely be time spent on social networking sites, but rather how mothers spend their time on these sites and whether mothers compare themselves to others that may ultimately affect mothers' adjustment to parenthood and well-being.

So, should mothers give up Facebook and other social networking sites? Not necessarily.

All parents who use Facebook and other social networking sites can help too by working harder to share the struggles as well as the triumphs of parenting 

Even though my research and that of others has highlighted the perils of social networking sites, other studies have shown that social networking can benefit mothers through maintaining and strengthening relationships with family and friends. And, my own work found that mothers for whom a greater proportion of Facebook 'friends' are family members or relatives experience greater parenting satisfaction.

However, I think mothers should carefully consider their motivations for using Facebook and their reactions to Facebook activity. If you find you are obsessing over 'likes' on your photos, consider turning off notifications on Facebook and logging on only at certain times of the day.

Or, if time spent on Facebook leaves you feeling blue, you may benefit from taking a 'break' from Facebook for weeks or months and instead focus on making phone calls to long-distance friends and meeting local ones face-to-face for coffee.

All parents who use Facebook and other social networking sites can help too by working harder to share the struggles as well as the triumphs of parenting. They can also support instead of criticize mothers who portray themselves in a less-than-perfect – but more authentic – light.

This article was originally published by The Conversation 

Kehinde Bankole Engaged To Wole Ojo? Come Inside For Details…..

May 23, 2017 – Kehinde Bankole & Wole Ojo Dating: Couple Share Cute Photos After Daniel K Daniel Proposed To Girlfriend

On Monday, Nollywood actor Daniel K Daniel marked his 31st birthday and changed his status from single to about to get married when he proposed to his longtime sweetheart.

Few weeks ago, we were taken by surprise when Olubankole Wellington snatched Adesua Etomi away from her Nollywood colleagues and since then Nollywood singles have started changing status.

The last couple about to rock the movie industry is Wole Ojo and Kehinde Bankole.

The super story stars  shared romantic photos of themselves on the beach.

See how Wole Ojo captioned the photo.

Last week, Kehinde Bankole took to her Instagram page to share a lovely photo of her engagement ring.

But for now, the popular belief is that the two compatible stars are seeing each other.

We will keep our fingers crossed until these lovers come out with their engagement story.

Jennifer Lopez: Check Out My Man Crush!

Jennifer Lopez may star in the NBC drama Shades of Blue, but she wants to make sure there are no shades of grey when it comes to her latest romance.

Yes, she is dating Alex Rodriguez. 

And, yes, it is pretty darn serious.

The former Major League Baseball player and the current Majorly Hot Piece of Ass have been dating for a few months now, going public with their relationship very early on.

The stars attended the MET Gala in New York City back on May 1 and Lopez even accompanied Rodriguez to Florida to spend time with the Yankees during spring training in March.

On Monday night, however, J. Lo made one of her strongest statements to date regarding A. Rod.

She shared the photo above on her Instagram account, included with it a heart emoji, a single word and a single acronym.

"My #MCM," wrote the singer as a caption.

That would be Man Crush Monday, for all those readers not well versed in Internet Speak.

Last Friday, meanwhile, Rodriguez posted a different sort of photo on his Instagram page, bragging that he visited Lopez on the set of Shades of Blue and making it clear that he's smitten as well.

"In the Heights #shades #midnight #harlee #mygirl," wrote A. Rod, using the name of Lopez's character as a hashtag

Appearing on The View in late March, Rodriguez spoke openly for the first time about his very attractive new girlfriend.

“We've been having a great time. She's an amazing, amazing girl," the ex-slugger told the hosts, adding that Lopez is "one of the smartest human beings I've ever met and also an incredible mother."

Rodriguez also confirmed at the time that Lopez really is just a regular woman.

One might even label her as Jenny from the Block.

"She just likes simple things," he said in this interview. "I mean, she's a very, very simple person. Loves family. Is a great sister. Is a great daughter."

Throughout his playing career, A. Rod often came across as a personality-free tool.

But he's slept with Kate Hudson. And Torrie Wilson. And Cameron Diaz. And now Lopez.

Maybe he just has a big penis? It's hard to say.

However, an insider tells Us Weekly that they definitely have big plans in life. Together.

"They’ve been talking about the future and, of course marriage has come up," a source told the tabloid. "They aren’t making wedding plans, but they have been talking about their lives."

Adds this insider:

"She hasn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time."

We really can't believe Rodriguez gets to see Lopez naked any time he wants.

But at least A. Rod and J. Lo provide us with one of the best couples nicknames in Hollywood history

Is it THE best, though?

Click around below and decide now!

Jennifer Lopez: Check Out My Man Crush!

Jennifer Lopez may star in the NBC drama Shades of Blue, but she wants to make sure there are no shades of grey when it comes to her latest romance.

Yes, she is dating Alex Rodriguez. 

And, yes, it is pretty darn serious.

The former Major League Baseball player and the current Majorly Hot Piece of Ass have been dating for a few months now, going public with their relationship very early on.

The stars attended the MET Gala in New York City back on May 1 and Lopez even accompanied Rodriguez to Florida to spend time with the Yankees during spring training in March.

On Monday night, however, J. Lo made one of her strongest statements to date regarding A. Rod.

She shared the photo above on her Instagram account, included with it a heart emoji, a single word and a single acronym.

"My #MCM," wrote the singer as a caption.

That would be Man Crush Monday, for all those readers not well versed in Internet Speak.

Last Friday, meanwhile, Rodriguez posted a different sort of photo on his Instagram page, bragging that he visited Lopez on the set of Shades of Blue and making it clear that he's smitten as well.

"In the Heights #shades #midnight #harlee #mygirl," wrote A. Rod, using the name of Lopez's character as a hashtag

Appearing on The View in late March, Rodriguez spoke openly for the first time about his very attractive new girlfriend.

“We've been having a great time. She's an amazing, amazing girl," the ex-slugger told the hosts, adding that Lopez is "one of the smartest human beings I've ever met and also an incredible mother."

Rodriguez also confirmed at the time that Lopez really is just a regular woman.

One might even label her as Jenny from the Block.

"She just likes simple things," he said in this interview. "I mean, she's a very, very simple person. Loves family. Is a great sister. Is a great daughter."

Throughout his playing career, A. Rod often came across as a personality-free tool.

But he's slept with Kate Hudson. And Torrie Wilson. And Cameron Diaz. And now Lopez.

Maybe he just has a big penis? It's hard to say.

However, an insider tells Us Weekly that they definitely have big plans in life. Together.

"They’ve been talking about the future and, of course marriage has come up," a source told the tabloid. "They aren’t making wedding plans, but they have been talking about their lives."

Adds this insider:

"She hasn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time."

We really can't believe Rodriguez gets to see Lopez naked any time he wants.

But at least A. Rod and J. Lo provide us with one of the best couples nicknames in Hollywood history

Is it THE best, though?

Click around below and decide now!

Bobrisky Shows Off His Expensive ₦2.4m Choker

Nigerian male-barbie and transvestite, Bobrisky is presently in the United States and seems to be having the time of his life.

Bobrisky is known for his expensive lifestyle and show off and decided to show off an expensive Choker, which he revealed cost N2.4million.

He also revealed that he was scared to rock it back home in Nigeria because of theives who could snatch it from his neck. More photos below:

Ariana Grande returns to U.S. following Manchester bombing-report

May 23 (Reuters) - Ariana Grande returned to the United States on Tuesday, one day after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at the pop singer's concert in Manchester, England, People magazine reported, as questions lingered over whether she would continue her European tour.

Grande, 23, was photographed landing at an airport in her hometown of Boca Raton, Florida, and being met by family members, the magazine said.

The pop star has not been seen publicly since an explosion ripped through the packed Manchester Arena at the end of her performance there. Some of the 22 people who died in the attack were teens or young girls. Grande was apparently unharmed.

British police have identified the man suspected of carrying out the massacre as 22-year-old Salman Abedi, who was born in Manchester to parents of Libyan origin. Islamic State claimed responsibility for what it called revenge against "Crusaders," but there appeared to be contradictions in its account of the operation.

In her only statement so far, Grande took to Twitter some five hours after the bombing to describe herself as "broken" in the aftermath of the attack.

"from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words," she said in the tweet.

Grande was performing in Manchester during the European leg of a tour to promote her third album, "Dangerous Woman," which also has her scheduled to perform in London, Belgium, Poland, Germany and Switzerland in the coming weeks.

Despite speculation that she would cancel the rest of the tour, no formal announcement had been made as of Tuesday afternoon. Grande's manager, Scooter Braun, did not respond to requests for comment by Reuters.

"We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act," Braun said in a statement posted on Twitter on Monday evening. "We ask all of you to hold the victims, their families and all those affected in your hearts and prayers."

Grande, a native of Boca Raton, starred in the Broadway musical "13" and on the Nickelodeon TV series "Victorious" before releasing her solo debut album, "Yours Truly."

Best known for her singles "Problem" and "Break Free," Grande is credited with having an exceptionally broad vocal range for a pop star. (Reporting by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)

Katy Perry Says She Would 'Absolutely' FaceTime Taylor Swift to Squash Feud

"I did try and reach out to her," the "Chained to the Rhythm" singer, 32, said on SiriusXM Morning Mash Up on Tuesday, May 23. "I tried to do the right thing, the good thing, and, you know, she shut me down and wrote a song."

After one of the SiriusXM hosts asked if she'd answer Swift's FaceTime call, Perry responded, "Absolutely. By the way, I am ready because I think when women unite, the world is going to heal."

Despite the pop stars' rivalry, the Grammy nominee insisted, "I don't have any beef really with anyone. I love everyone, and honestly ... I think we need to unite more than ever. I think we see that today especially. Like, we need to come together and love on each other today. Don't matter where you come from, don't matter what you believe, don't matter which music you like the most, we are the same and we need to be unified."

During her SiriusXM interview, Perry also opened up about the meaning behind her latest single "Swish Swish," which many fans have speculated to be a diss track against Swift. "'Swish Swish' just basically is like, I stay winning. ... I'm above that crap. I'm gonna stay winning," Perry explained. "You're gonna try to hold me down, I'm gonna come out like a phoenix rising."

The "Bon Appétit" singer previously addressed her feud with the "Bad Blood" entertainer during her Carpool Karaoke segment on Monday night. "Honestly, it's really like she started it, and it's time for her to finish it," Perry told James Corden before revealing that their dispute began years ago over a conflict with their backup dancers.

Drake Wants to Tattoo Celine Dion’s Image on His Rib Cage

After winning 13 Billboard awards for his album More Life, and breaking Adele’s record for most Billboard awards won in a year (she previously set the record in 2012 with 12 wins for her sophomore album, 21), Drizzy, 30, couldn’t contain his excitement when he got to talk to Dion, 49, backstage at Las Vegas’ T-Mobile Arena.

In a short video clip, which has gone viral on social media, the “Views” rapper greets the pop superstar with a huge smile — and a plan to permanently engrave her likeness on his body.

Drake x Celine Dion 💕

“It means the world, you’re very iconic. We love you. I’m, like, a year away from a Celine tat,” Drake tells Dion in the clip, gesturing toward the left side of his torso.

If the hip-hop star does indeed get some Dion-inspired ink, the “My Heart Will Go On” singer will be in good company. He already has tattoos of R&B sensation Sade and the late Aaliyah.

On Sunday night, Champagne Papi took to Instagram to express his excitement over spending time with Dion and sharing the moment with his father, Dennis Graham. “My dad might have walked away from this pic and said ‘Da Celine Way,’” he captioned a black-and-white snap of himself, his dad and Dion hanging out after the awards show.

Liverpool's Philippe Coutinho ignoring Barcelona transfer speculation

Liverpool legend Gary McAllister says he is happy with the recruitment strategy of manager Jurgen Klopp.

Jurgen Klopp revealed that preparation to improve Liverpool for next season has already begun.

Steve Nicol evaluates what Liverpool need to do over the summer in order to manage their return to the Champions League.

English Premier League: Philippe Coutinho (51') Liverpool 2-0 Middlesbrough

Coutinho, Sadio Mane and Emre Can lead the list for Liverpool's top goals of the Premier League season.

Liverpool midfielder Philippe Coutinho has brushed off reports linking him with a summer move to Barcelona.

Coutinho, 24, has enjoyed an impressive season with Liverpool, scoring 13 goals and recording seven assists in the Premier League to help the club secure Champions League qualification.

Asked if he will be playing for Liverpool or Barca in Europe next season, the Brazil international told ESPN Brasil: "A lot of people ask me about that, but I have contract with Liverpool, I've just signed a long-term contract, so the speculation stays with you, journalists."

Regarding Liverpool's 2016-17 campaign, which saw them endure a run of one win in 10 games in all competitions in the New Year, Coutinho said: "We actually started well the season, winning games and playing well, then we have a low period in the last days of 2016 and beginning of January, and in the end of the season we found our best game again."

A 3-0 Liverpool win over Middlesbrough on the final day sealed a top-four finish, and Coutinho said: "The team is playing well, so all the players involved have a piece on that.

"I'm glad with the victory, which was important for us to get the spot at Champions League, and finish the season scoring is important.

"Now I have two games with Brazilian national team and I'll prepare myself to do well."

End of the road for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Due To Lack Of Sponsorship

Popular TV Quiz gameshow, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be going on a temporary hiatus, due to a lack of sponsorship. The show, whi...

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