Wizkid Prepares To ‘Shut Down’ The BET Live Experience At Los Angeles

Superstar musician Wizkid is billed top perform during BET Awards weekend for the BET Experience taking place between June 22 – 25.

The singer announced this in a video posted on BET’s Twitter handle. Other performers include Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, DJ Khaled, Kid Cudi, Gucci Mane, Jhene Aiko, among others.

In 2016, Wizkid achieved international recognition following his collaboration with Drake on the global hit, “One Dance”, which reached number one in 15 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. In addition to his solo work, Wizkid has collaborated with several other artists and was featured on the hits “Girl” (with Bracket), “Fine Lady” (with Lynxxx), “Sexy Mama” (with Iyanya), “Slow Down” (with R2Bees), “The Matter” (with Maleek Berry), “Pull Over” (with KCee) and “Bad Girl” (with Jesse Jagz).

Following the release of his second studio album and expiration of his 5-year recording contract, Wizkid left E.M.E. On 1 March 2017, Billboard magazine reported that Wizkid signed a multi-album deal with RCA Records. The deal was first reported by several media outlets in September 2016. The chairman and CEO of RCA Records, Peter Edge, somewhat confirmed the signing while speaking to Music Business Worldwide in January 2017.

Young Lady Confesses: My Boyfriend Does Not Know I Have 2 Sugar Daddies Who Pay My Bills

A young lady has made a shocking revelation about her the randy way she lives her life and how it is affecting her.

The lady shared her story on break_or_makeup telling stunned readers about her life.
According to, she has a boyfriend already but that fact has not stopped her from living a randy lifestyle.
She revealed that she has two sugar daddies who help to fund her bills as her boyfriend is not well to do.
The problem now is she is about to get married to him and is confused on whether or not to confess to him.
Below is how she told the story:

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Late Moji Olaiya’s Burial Committee Under Serious Fire For Asking People Coming To Her Burial To Buy This

Heavy criticisms has trailed the plan to sell commemorative T-shirts at N1,500 each to mark the burial of Nollywood actress Moji Olaiya.

The burial committee announced the T-shirt offer on Friday while unveiling the burial plans for the actress, who died on 17 May, three months after delivering a baby girl in Canada. She died of cardiac arrest. She was 42 years old.

Yomi Fabiyi, the Publicity Secretary said people interested in participating in the burial, which starts on Tuesday, 6 June, can buy the T-shirts.

This, however, contradicted the message in the obituary published by the committee, asking mourners and sympathisers to wear corporate black outfits at the two-day event, culminating in the interment at ikoyi Cemetery.

The corpse from Canada would arrive in Lagos on 6 June, the same day that a service of songs is billed to take place at 4pm at the Blue Roof of LTV 8 in Ikeja Lagos.

Lying-in-state and interment would follow on Wednesday 7 June at Ebony Vault, Ikoyi Cemetery.

Of all the plans, the T-shirt sale has been the only one stirring controversy.

Most critics were of the opinion that since she died at a very young age, it was wrong printing T-shirts, as if her death amounted to a celebration.

A civil servant, Mrs Damilola Ahmed said that the burial committee has turned the 42 year-old lady’s painful death into money making venture.

“What kind of stupid T-shirt are they selling and for what. They are laughing, not crying for her. And they announced it to the public,’’ she said.

Mrs Iyabo Olaitan, a businesswoman said that instead of the burial planners to make the ceremony low key, the are selling T-shirts.

“For what?, she said.They should rather beg God to spare their own lives”.

One Dead, Several Injured In Lagos-Ibadan Expressway Accident

Tragedy struck on Saturday morning when a truck carrying iron rods moving towards Mowe/Ibafo axis of the Lagos Ibadan expressway, lost its brakes and ran into a vehicle.

The truck ran into a 14 seater bus which burst into flames.

One person died in the accident while several others sustained injuries.

Injured victims have been taken to hospital by the Lagos State Emergency Services while men of the fire service have removed the truck.

The incident led to some traffic earlier in the day although reports said it is now free flowing.

Unbelievable! Daughter Offers Father S*x to Stop Him From Marrying a New Wife

A Hong Kong woman on trial for incest explained to a local court that she had s*x with her own father to keep him from marrying a new wife. 

 A teenager tried to prevent her father marrying his fiancée by having s*x with him because of "misplaced love", a court in Hong Kong reportedly heard.

As her father's marriage approached in 2009, the 19-year-old tried to change his mind, according to the South China Morning Post.

Her lawyer told the District Court that it happened because of "misplaced love, infatuation and devotion to her father" and because she had been deprived of her mother's love, the paper reported.

According to The Independent, Both the woman, now aged 26, and her father, 58, have admitted incest. But a judge has asked Hong Kong's probation service to prepare a psychological report about the daughter.

He will consider a non-custodial sentence for her, but not her father, the Post reported.

"This case is highly unusual," the woman's lawyer said in mitigation. "It serves no purpose to society to lock her up and punish her."

The pair's sexual encounters were uncovered when the woman's younger brother found a video recording and called the police.

The court was told the woman had initially asked prosecutors to lay the blame entirely on her, and let her father off.

"That shows the extent of devotion and infatuation the defendant had for her father," her lawyer said

‘My Fiance Is Only After S*x And Money’

Amanda is doing well in her career and is living comfortably but the only thing that has continued to elude her is a good man to call her husband.

My name is Amanda, a 32-year-old single lady. I work with a reputable company and I earn a very good salary apart from the commission I make whenever I am able to conclude a deal.
I am very comfortable as I live alone in my own duplex in the Lekki area of Lagos State, have three cars and I also run my own business apart from my regular job.
In spite of my relative comfort, true love has eluded me as most of the men I meet are all after my money and once they get what they want, they dump me so fast I would not know what hit me.
One thing I believe has always played against me is the fact that I am very free and generous with what I have especially when I am in a relationship.
I can go to any length to make my man comfortable and I remember how I gave two of my ex-boyfriends’ money to either set up a business or travel out of the country with the hope we would get married but in the end, they have always disappointed me.
I met Hanks two years ago and fell hopelessly in love with him. I felt I had finally met the man who would fulfill my dreams and spend the rest of his life with me.
Initially, Hanks proved to be a very reliable lover and made me believe he was not like the rest. I came to trust him and made sure he lacked nothing.
He worked in a company that owed him salaries for many months and was always broke, so I gave him money every month to take care of his needs and those of his family members.
I even gave him one of my cars and he had access to my home at any time. I made him a signatory to one of my accounts and told him anytime I needed to withdraw my own money.
But little did I know that Hanks was not only cheating on me but was also playing me for a fool. The first test was when I asked him when he would come to see my parents but he said he was not ready just yet.
When I told a friend, she said I should pretend to be pregnant and see what his reaction would be.
I took her advice and told Hanks that I was two months pregnant but his reaction showed he had no good intentions for me as Hanks told me I have to abort the pregnancy and he was very serious about it.
I told him I would do no such thing and that if he really loved me, he should do the right thing. That was when the real Hanks came to the fore as he told me he was not ready to be a father and was not ready to settle down in the next few years.
But I later got to know that he had actually proposed marriage to a lady he was dating secretly and that plans were in top gear for them to go for their introduction.
When I confronted Hanks with the evidence I had gathered, he told me he was waiting for the right time to tell me about the lady and that he was sorry for hurting.
I was so mad at him that I had to get him arrested so I could retrieve my car and get him to relinquish being a signatory to my account.
I am very hurt and angry at the moment. I don’t know why there seem to be so few trustworthy men around. Was I not meant to have happiness in my life?

‘When I Grow Up, I Will Like To Be A Makeup Artist And..” – Comedienne Emmanuella Says

Comedienne Emmanuella has said that she will like to become a make up artist and actress when she grows up.

She said this in an exclusive interview with goldmyne.tv where she revealed that she feels happy about what she does but that does not make her the greatest kid in the world for it is only God that makes on great.

Looking at how well she has done in the comedy industry she can do very well as an actress in the movie industry. Talking about make up, although she does not wear makeup in any of her skits but the young comedienne seems to have an innate passion for makeup, hence her interest in becoming a makeup artists when she grows up.

The talented 6 years old Emmanuella who came with her uncle, Mark Angel for the interview said that she loves watching cartoon, playing games, and jumping around whenever she is not on set .

She came into limelight after one of the several Mark Angel’s comedy skits “This Is Not My Real Face” went viral on social media.

Her extraordinary talent has earned her several awards both nationally and internationally yet she is moving higher every day.

Dammy Krane reacts to reports of his arrests for alleged fraud in the United States

Just few hours after news of his arrest in Miami, United State surfaced on the internet, Nigerian singer, Dammy Krane has taken to Social media to react to the news.

Apparently, he didn’t confirm or deny his arrest, all he does is make promises to his fans to share the true details in a new song.

Dammy Krane reacts

According to him, it’s in situations like this that people get to know who stands with them and those that stand against them.

See his tweets below.

End of the road for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Due To Lack Of Sponsorship

Popular TV Quiz gameshow, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be going on a temporary hiatus, due to a lack of sponsorship. The show, whi...

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