End of the road for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Due To Lack Of Sponsorship

Popular TV Quiz gameshow, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be going on a temporary hiatus, due to a lack of sponsorship.

The show, which was popular for its educative quizzes, hit the airwaves around 2004, will be going on break because their biggest sponsor, MTN Nigeria had just pulled out.

This recent development was announced by the show’s anchor and popular comedian, Frank Edoho at the end of the 13th season yesterday and it wouldn’t be back until they can secure a new sponsor.

Below is the formal announcement as announced by the show’s management.



This is a sad development as the show will definitely be missed…

Benefits, Side Effects of Bitter Kola

Bitter Kola might be small in size but its highly beneficial to the human body system as recommended by health specialists.


Bitter Kola

Garcinia kola or in simple terms, bitter kola originated from West and Central Africa. Signifying the importance of this second largest continent, it produces many healing wonders for us.

Garcinia kola belongs to the species of a tropical flowering plant. It produces brown, nut like seeds, similar looking to kidney beans.

Medicinal benefits

 Lungs, the internal organ carry one of the most critical functions of the body. It helps us to breath.

The considerate amount of regular consumption of the seed helps in strengthening the fibers and the lung tissue, stabilising any counter effects.

It further assists in maintaining a good respiratory track and treats chest colds. It has a favorably high antioxidant content for a healthy body.

So, if you are a smoker or even a passive smoker, definitely this is the ‘cure’.

Treating malaria

Kolaviron is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemical. Kolaviron is a major constituent of garcinia seed which helps in treating malaria.

No wonder, the traditional healers suggest this for an easy and free cure, straight from the mother nature.

There are no definite side effects of having this naturally occurring blissful plant. But, anything in excess or wrong proportion may show its evil side. On certain occasions, consumption of bitter kola is found to have some side effects.

Irregular heartbeat

Certain bodies might just prove allergic to the plant and develop certain reactions. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor and stop use.

Now we know that bitter kola is not actually bitter and has a sweet side which is healthy for us.

Breaking News: Finally Osibanjo Signs N7.441 Trillion Budget Into Law

The 2017 budget has finally been signed into law by Acting President Yemi Osinbajo on Monday. 

Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo

Nigeria’s Acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo on Monday signed the 2017 budget of N7.441 trillion into law. Osinbajo made it public on Twitter.

He wrote: "I just signed 2017 Budget into law. It's an important milestone in our economic recovery & growth plan laid in April by President Buhari."

This comes after Osinbajo reportedly got the nod of the President Muhammadu Buhari who has been abroad for treatment for over 2 weeks now.

“Following the receipt of a full brief on the 2017 Appropriation Bill as passed by the National Assembly, and to buttress the unity at the highest level of government, President Muhammadu Buhari has indicated that it is in the interest of the nation’s economy for the Acting President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, to sign the Appropriation Bill into law,” Garba Shehu, the senior special assistant to the president on media and publicity had said.

“In a letter dated June 10, 2017, which he personally signed and addressed to the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, the President also said he was pleased by the joint resolution that the Executive would submit next year’s budget proposals by October 2017 and the National Assembly will conclude the Appropriation process by December 2017, so that the country can return to a normal fiscal period from next year onwards.”

There had been controversies that Osinbajo cannot sign the budget forcing acting President’s spokesperson, Laolu Akande, to clear the that doubt on May 18 when he said Mr. Osinbajo would sign the bill once satisfied with its content.

“Just so we are clear: when the time comes, everything is set, and he is satisfied, Ag. President Yemi Osinbajo will assent to the 2017 Budget,” Mr. Akande tweeted at the time.

The National Assembly had last passed the budget, increasing the total sum by N143 billion compared to what was sent by President Muhammadu Buhari.

I Got Married to Someone in Prison - Controversial Journalist, Kemi Olunloyo Opens Up

Self acclaimed investigative journalist, Kemi Olunloyo, who is the daughter of former governor of Oyo State, has revealed that she got married while in detention in Port Harcourt prison.

Kemi Olunloyo

Nigeria's controversial journalist and social media personality, Kemi Olunloyo, who was recently released from a Port Harcourt prison after spending 81 days in detention, has revealed that she got married in prison.

Recall that the daughter of former governor of Oyo State, Victor Omololu Olunloyo, was remanded in prison for purportedly publishing materials believed to have defamed an influential cleric, Pastor David Ibiyeomie, of the Salvation Ministries in Port Harcourt.

Here's how she reported her marriage story on her Instagram page.



I GOT MARRIED LIKE I PROMISED TO IN 2017. Yes I got MARRIED to someone in prison. This is my FIRST SUNDAY away from #PHMax prison. I lean towards Catholism and Islam which I grew up in and attended the Catholic church inside the prison. 

There are up to 4 churches and a mosque in there plus the Pentecostal churches that visits inmates weekly and bring us the word of God and provisions. I became a "bible reader". The same bible I ripped in 2016 as being a "storybook" of fiction may have been real. I studied what the prophets of old said. It seems unreal but these things likely happened.

But why are we commercializing religion and brainwashing the congregation? I will become a Woman of God very soon and use my prophetic abilities and bible story knowledge to apply wisdom to your lives. Prison always make all inmates spiritual...right?.

Hell No! Jesus shows up in the most expected places. Unlike the enemies of the #freethesheeple movement who are so Christ obsessed? I did not find #Jesus. He found me! Jesus is my first and new HUSBAND! I have never been married or divorced in my entire life. This will be an everlasting relationship.

Say Alleluia! May God forgive your sins too! Dont be obsessed with religion. Minimize!

#HAPPYSUNDAY to all of you and my former inmates. My seat in the front row near our Catholic female leader and 76yo #MamaOwerri will be empty today as Father tells the church about my release last week. 

3 Ways To Get Back In The Mood For HOT S*x Even When You’re Pretty Much Over It

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I’ve always been an immediate gratification gal and didn’t make the yearly over-promise because it always seemed too high-aiming and unachievable in a satisfying amount of time … at least for this impatient writer.
Yet, I can’t deny there is some wisdom in making a resolution and sticking to it, whether you do it on January 1 or on any other day of the year. The discipline and drive it takes to make a commitment to immediately improve your own life seems, to me, a great way to improve your well-being and health overall.
This year, I decided to take that principle to heart. I was determined to improve one thing in my life pronto and I knew exactly what that was.
Over the past few months, I’d become all too aware that my s*x life had moved to the back burner in relation to other parts of my life. After my divorce, I had vowed never to let my s*x life suffer again, and yet here I was, letting it suffer.
That was it. No more sitting around. I decided it was time to figure out how to get myself back in the mood and improve my s*xual attitude — immediately.
But where to start?
Here are 3 steps I took, and that you can take too, to improve my s*xual attitude and get back to having HOT s*x.
1. Meditation: Figure out your basic need that’s not being met.
I turned off all electronic devices (gasp!) and began to search my soul for the answer I knew was buried in me. How could I re-energize my s*x life?
Frustrated, I picked up one of my favorite books on se*uality, Women’s Anatomy of Arousal by Sheri Winston. Bingo!
All I had to do was read these lines under the heading “Whole s*x — Macro to Micro”:
“Your se*uality is about your connection to everyone and everything around you … you are a s*xual being not a s*xual ‘doing.’ s*x is not just something you do — it’s a fundamental and inseparable part of who you are.”
This really resonated with me. My lack of importance placed on s*x recently was the loss of focus on how it makes me feel when I’m connected to my s*xual self. When I’m having great s*x my senses are more astute, my mood is elevated and my interaction with others is more positive and engaging.
I missed all of those feelings and wanted them back.
2. Enumerate: Identify three ways to achieve your new goal.
I love to make lists, but I can get carried away and end up overwhelming myself with steps and procedures to follow. So, I kept it simple and limited myself to choosing three things I could do to change my s*xual attitude.
For me, the best first step is to do my research. Research always gets me excited about my topic and it’s a way my inner “know-it-all” gets exercised. In my fact-finding mission, I came up with three ways to encourage my s*xual attitude to grow and become more diverse.
The personal list I created looks like this:
Something I’ve wanted to learn — orgasmic meditation.
Something I’ve wanted to become better at — the art of the lingam (i.e., man-hood) massage.
Something I’ve been putting off — finding a new, like-minded lover to practice with.
Great! I had my list, now I had to take the leap and start the journey.
3. Participate: Take the quickest action possible toward achieving your selected goals.
This is perhaps the most challenging part of any change, the actual dirty work (pardon the pun). However, the most important aspect of this last step is not to delay.
I resolved to tackle my chosen first step immediately. If I didn’t engage myself posthaste, chances were I’d keep putting it off. When I found a local Orgasmic Meditation group on Meetup.com, I signed up for my first introduction that same week. Just taking that first step excited and inspired me to investigate other ways to encourage my inner s*x goddess to express herself again. I found my desire to pick up the Anais Nin book I had put down and was suddenly inspired to write more er*tica.
The most surprising aspect of taking each of these three steps was how immediately I opened up my sensuality again.
I had a familiar sway to my step and lilt to my voice just from acknowledging and welcoming it back into the fold. I truly believe this small but powerful master-stroke toward changing my s*xual attitude right away, opened me up to attract more like-minded partners and friends — people who support my new attitude and foster its growth.
At the time of this writing, I’m only eleven days into re-invigorating my sybaritic soul, but so far I’m very glad I actually made and followed through with these resolutions.
Now, if people ask me if I’ve ever made any New Year’s resolutions, I can simply intrigue them with the answer, “I’m changing my s*xual attitude!” — as I skip off to practice Orgasmic Meditation, lingam massage and/or make-out with a new lover.

Davido Building House Number FOUR, But This Time It's For His Fan 'Young Homeless Boy Who Sang “IF”'

-- Singer Davido is Giving Back! OBO Builds House for Young Homeless Boy Who Sang “IF”

The young boy who was found singing Davido‘s “IF” in a hilarious “thati billion for the akant o” manner, will not only be getting an education courtesy of the singer, but also a place of abode as Davido is currently building a house for the young boy and his family.

Davido revealed this on Instagram where he shared photos of the young boy in his uniform and the building which is still under construction.

See the post below:

Buhari Directs Osinbajo To Sign 2017 Budget

President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the acting President, Yemi Osinbajo, to go ahead and sign the 2017 Appropriation Bill into law.

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, disclosed this in a two-paragraph statement on Monday.

Shehu said Buhari who is currently receiving medical attention in London, the United Kingdom believed that it was in the interest of the nation’s economy for Osinbajo to sign the document without further delay.

He said Buhari’s directive was conveyed to the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Udo Udoma, in a letter dated June 10.

The statement read, “Following the receipt of a full brief on the 2017 Appropriation Bill as passed by the National Assembly, and to buttress the unity at the highest level of government, President Muhammadu Buhari has indicated that it is in the interest of the nation’s economy for the Acting President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, to sign the Appropriation Bill into law.

“In a letter dated June 10, 2017, which he personally signed and addressed to the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, the President also said he was ‘pleased by the joint resolution that the Executive would submit next year’s budget proposals by October 2017 and the National Assembly will conclude the Appropriation process by December 2017, so that the country can return to a normal fiscal period from next year onwards.’”

There have been speculations that Osinbajo might be delaying the signing of the budget to wait for Buhari’s return.

The President left the country on May 7 for another round of medical treatment after sending a letter to the National Assembly as provided for in Section 145 of the nation’s constitution.

He told the federal lawmakers that only his doctors would determine how long he would be away from the country.

There were speculations last week that the 74-year-old Nigerian leader would return last weekend.

The Presidency, however, said it had no such information.

Davido, Wizkid, Flavour.. celebrity patrons of Nigeria's baby mama association

If you type ‘baby mama,’ ‘Nigeria’ and ‘business’ in your Google search, don’t be shocked to find guidelines on how to become a baby mama.

The baby mama wave has become commonplace among celebrities – and even regular Nigerians.

It is such a big deal that there’s even an unofficial baby mama association on social media.

Nowadays, numerous celebrities have baby mamas while there are some who have multiple and/or are married to none.

They are the chief baby-daddies of the entertainment industry.

Here they are:


With three Billboard Awards under his belt and a possible BET award on the way this year, Wizkid is the proud father of two sons born to him by two different women.

His first son, Boluwatife Balogun (6-years-old), was born by Sola Ogudugu, while King Ayo, his second son, was recently birthed by US-based Guinean model, Binta Diamond Diallo.


The Igbo highlife singer has carved a niche for himself when it comes to beauty queens.

In 2015, Flavour made headlines when it became news that former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) winner, Anna Banner, had given birth to his child.

Prior to that time, the beauty queen had starred in his romantic hit song, Golibe.

But before Anna, a there was Sandra Okagbue, who gave birth to Flavour’s first child in 2014. Like Banner, Okagbue is also a former beauty queen.


The self-acclaimed Omo Baba Olowo (OBO) doesn’t shy away from controversy, or even baby mama drama.

Davido, who has two baby mamas, has had a recurring public war of words with one of them, Sophie Momodu.

Last month, Davido welcomed his second child with an Atlanta, US-based woman, Amanda.


Long before Wizkid, Davido and Flavour, there was 2baba – who was (probably still is) the ambassador of the multiple baby mamas industry.

While still cruising on the international success of his hit song, African Queen, 2baba was hit by series of baby mama allegations that could have derailed his booming career if it wasn’t well managed.

All in all, 2baba is the proud father of seven children from three different women. He is currently married to Anne Idibia – his former baby mama and girlfriend.


9ice has four children from three different women.

His first son, Zion, is a product of his union with ex-wife Toni Payne, in 2008.

The singer also has a set of twins with Victoria Godis and a fourth child who was born in 2014, by Olasunkanmi Ajala.

Oritse Femi

Oritsefemi has three children with three different women.

After saying that he has no intention of marrying any of his baby mamas, he recently tied the knot with PR expert, Nabila Fash.


IK Ogbonna joined the ranks of celebrities with multiple baby mamas in 2015, when his Colombian-born fiancee (now wife), Sonia Morales, delivered his first son, Ace.

Before his marriage and birth of Ace, the bald actor already had a daughter from a different woman.


In all, Nollywood actor, Segun Arinze, has six children from four different women.

Three of his children are from his current wife, one was born by his ex-wife, Ann Njemanze, and the remaining two are allegedly from two unknown women.


Currently married to Nollywood sweetheart, Funke Akindele, JJC is a proud father of three children from three different women.

JJC’s children are all grown with the oldest currently in her early twenties.

Alfa Caught With Human Parts Makes Shocking Confessesion 

An Alfa who was caught with a fresh female head and other body parts like hands, lungs, liver and blood, which was kept inside a bottle, has made a shocking confession on how he intends to use the head and other body parts of the victims.

We reported on Thursday that a 38-year-old man identified as Ajibade Rasheed was on Wednesday, paraded before newsmen after he was apprehended by the operatives of the Nigerian Police Force in Osun State with fresh human parts in Osogbo, the state capital.

The suspect was paraded with the head of a woman, intestine, lung, v**ina, liver and a bottle containing blood. The human parts were recovered fresh from the suspect in his car with registration no: LSD 987 DJ when he was arrested.

While speaking with news correspondents at the Osun State Police Command headquarters,  the Alfa disclosed that he planned to use the head and other body parts of the victims for money ritual after the ongoing Ramadan ends.

According to Punch, the indigene of Ikirun in Ifelodun Local Government Area of Osun State who is also a herbalist, said he was not the one who butchered the victim but his client, who wanted the money ritual.

Ajibade who said the client, who is also an Alfa and specialised in healing mentally challenged persons, simply brought the human parts to him and left, adding that he had intended to preserve the human parts until after the Ramadan when he would be free to use the parts for the ritual.

He, however, said the client, who he identified simply as Olorungbebe did not want the kind of ritual, which would bring small amounts of money but the one which would banish poverty from his life.

He said, “I am an Alfa and a herbalist. There is a man, who is also an Alfa; he came to my place and told me that he wanted to do money ritual.  I told him that getting the materials needed for the ritual would be difficult but he agreed to bring the materials by himself.


“So, the man came on Wednesday morning from Aagba town with the human parts for the ritual. The body parts he brought are fresh human head, hands, inner parts and v**ina.  I did not know that he would bring the materials that morning.


“I told him that we are in the Ramadan period and he should wait till after Ramadan before I could do it. This is my first time of doing this kind of money ritual although I do other ones but not this type.


“The man told me he wanted to do money ritual and I told him the difficulty in finding the materials and he told me that he would get them and he did.  I am a Muslim and I’m fasting also even when he brought the human parts I told him that this is not the time for such ‘work’.


“The man told me the situations of things in his life and pleaded with me to help him to do it. He did not want the kind of money rituals, which would not bring huge amount of money. He wanted the kind of ritual which brings huge amount of money.”

The interview session with journalists abruptly ended when the policemen, who arrested him asked him to pour the content of the bag on the ground for everybody to see.

Despite wearing nose masks, most police officers present and journalists started retching while few other actually threw up due to the stench which oozed out of the sack. The head was still dripping blood but the liver and the lungs were already decaying.

The Commissioner of Police in the state, Finihan Adeoye, said the police would ensure that Olorungbebe was apprehended and the identity of the female victim was revealed.

S*xy Campus Girls are Now Stripping N*ked Inside Clubs for Money

Silent indignation is building up among observers as campus girls are found out to strip inside clubs at night for money. 

Illustration purpose

Many female students of the Univesity of Nairobi have stunned people with their recent actions after going to the clubs to strip at night.

It is believed that the girls' actions may be because they need money for tuition. However, the University of Nairobi Dean of Students P. Kithome told The Nairobian he doesn’t believe that lack of tuition money is what drives the kids to such immoral behaviour.

“I am not aware that this is happening. Most students receive HELB, which caters for tuition only. These kids just want extra money to buy shoes and other fancy stuff, which HELB cannot cater for. I don’t buy that story of them stripping to pay tuition,” he said.

According to JKUAT Deputy Dean, William Nyariki — although seemingly cagey on the matter — however, admits that, “Yes. We’ve heard numerous cases of students engaging in such immoral acts as prostitution.”

When asked jow many cases his office has had to deal with and what drives campus girls towards this treacherous path, he said “That’s a confidential matter, you’ll have to speak to the Office of Corporate Communications,” before remaining tight-lipped.

Interestingly, however, Dr. Ngonyo - the Head of Corporate Communications at JKUAT, denies any knowledge of such cases, saying, “Ours is a University of Science and Technology. We have strident measures in place, hence, students have little to no chance of engaging in such forms of immorality. In fact, this is the first time I’m hearing of this.”

Speaking to a student Counsellor at the school, though, reveals a totally different view.

Dr Pia Oketch says, “I don’t have the correct statistics but, personally, I receive about 1 or 2 students that openly come out saying they engage in prostitution to maintain their lifestyles. But, it’s no secret, that this matter is rampant in all campuses in Kenya.”

Mercy Mwongeli, a third year student pursuing Community Development at the school, says, “There are so many girls around here who you’ll find at dingy joints in town or out of town doing despicable things, dressed in even more despicable outfits. Nobody wants to talk about them, but they exist.”

Ziana Otoyi, a Media Student at the same school, says, “Campus girls going into prostitution and stripping is mainly due to poverty and peer pressure. You see your friend doing it, she convinces to join. Or, you’re unable to pay your rent and put food on your table because your parents died and the HELB only caters for your school fee. So, someone presents you with a way out and you jump at it, unaware of the consequences.”

Oketch, however refutes this idea of only poor students engaging in the act.

“It’s not just about poverty. Even the rich students engage in this immoral behavior. It could be for the love of the thrill, or just unquenchable curiosity. You’d be surprised, “ she reveals.

5 Year Old Girl Raped In Anambra; Suspect’s Mother Offers N100,000 To Parents To Bury The Case. (Photos)

Favour Ilo is a 5-year-old girl in kindergarten and the daughter of a carpenter and akara seller who was raped in school by the Headmistress’ grown son in Awka, Anambra State on Monday, June 5th.

The suspect’s mother, Mrs Onwuzulike allegedly wants to close the case by offering a Hundred thousand Naira to the victim’s parents.

Below is the full report by lawyer and human rights activist, Emeka Ugwuonye:

DPA has just stopped an attempt to bury the case of the rape of a 5-year old girl in kindergarten in Awka, Anambra State.

Yesterday, DPA got involved in the investigation of a rape case involving a 5-year old girl. We got the wind that the father of the girl was offered 100k by the owners of the kindergaton where the incident occurred in order for him to bury the case. I warned the man not to accept the money, but to work with DPA to ensure the arrest of the rapist.

At the same time, DPA dispatched a team of investigators to the crime scene. Our investigators swooped in on them as they were exchanging money to cover up the case. They even wrote up an agreement to close the case . DPA operatives took pictures of their illegal agreement and pictures of them exchanging money.

We shall now be seeking the arrest and prosecution of all those involved in this macabre deal. We have the picture of the girl and her father and the owner of the kindergarten handing over money to him.

DPA is going to crack down on all those who harm innocent children in this country. The rape of a 5- year old and the use of money to cover it up are crimes we must fight against. I will be heading from Abuja straight to Anambra State where I intend to meet with the Governor over this case.

Point of clarification. We knew they made the offer of money. We needed the evidence. So DPA set up the plan to capture the evidence of their plan. We needed those who made the offer to put it in writing to remove their plan from the point of deniability.
When it is safe to do So, I may reveal the names of the DPA operatives who carried out this operation, Operation Young Shall Grow.

Singer announces new album "King Don Come"

“King Don Come” album will contain 10 tracks with collaborations from Harrysong, Wande Coal, and a few unnamed acts.

D'banj  (Instagram)

D’banj has announced that he will be releasing a new album titled “King Don Come.”

The singer has been clouded by speculation that he is set to drop a new project, and now he has confirmed it. In a post on Instagram, the singer uploaded a photo of the handwritten tracklist, signed at the bottom.

“King Don Come” album will contain 10 tracks with collaborations from Harrysong, Wande Coal, and a few unnamed acts.

D'banj "King Don Come" album Tracklist

It contains single ‘Emergency’, and a reworked version of ‘Focus’ named as ‘Turn down for what’. Interestingly, his 2012 single ‘Oliver Twist’ makes the list. So also does the 2013 highly successful ‘Top of the world’, which was performed at the closing ceremony of the 2013 African Cup Of Nations (AFCON).

The new project will be D’banj’s 4 solo studio album. It follows an impressive and highly successfully discography, which include “No Long Thing” (2005), “RunDown Funk U Up” (2006), and “The Entertainer” (2008). It will be released in June, 2017.

A happy D'banj smiles at his new born child, Daniel.  (Instagram)

D’banj, regarded as one of Africa’s greatest pop stars, has over the years combined music with entrepreneurial ventures. The singer recently welcomed a son with his wife Lineo Didi Kilgrow.

How to Have s*x Without Waking the Kids

s*x doesn’t seem right without moans, screams, and rattling headboards. But sometimes—like when you’ve got paper-thin walls between you, the kids, and your visiting in-laws—it’s either quiet s*x or no s*x at all.

But take heed: Sneaky, quiet s*x doesn’t require super-gluing your mouth shut and sticking with slow-and-steady missionary. With the right DIY soundproofing tactics, you can get outside the bedroom, pull out some acrobatics—like these 45 s*x Positions Every Couple Should Try—and muffle your toe-curling moans.

1. Build a Blanket Fort
Throw some more pillows on the bed and hide under the covers: When higher-frequency sound waves enter the blankets, they turn into tiny vibrations that get stuck between the fibers, says Tom Player, director of Lost Track Productions, who has composed trailer music for The Hobbit and Game of Thrones.

Most soft objects—a sofa, a bed—absorb some sound waves, but pillows and blankets are among the best absorbers lying around the average house. However, you’ll still need to keep the moans to a minimum: Blankets can only absorb so much sound, and won’t really touch the deeper notes, he says.

2. Hop in the Shower
This self service location is also great for a twosome. And it’s not just because showers are noisy. Water actually karate-chops sounds into millions of little pieces. “As the shower water comes down, the sound waves will physically bump into the droplets at countless points,” explains Maria Canul, a former acoustics engineer with the Sound Research Corporation. “Each time this happens, it will slow down the waves, change their shape, and chop them up.”

Remember, though, that the hot water also loosens your vocal chords. And besides turning you into an ace shower singer, H2O makes your voice deeper and more apt to carry throughout the house, she says.

3. Distract Tykes with Tunes

The right old-school R&B track can help set the mood, but, if you want to keep your kids from hearing you in action, you also need to play some (non-sexy) music in their room, says Michael Ibarra, co-owner of Soundproof Chicago, a commercial soundproofing company. While lullabies work, white-noise machines are more constant and can better mask any s*x sounds the kids might hear, he says.

4. Get a Better Bed
A squeaking bedframe can give away any sexcapade. But if you finally invest in a solid setup, you can hit just about every position in the Kama Sutra and your bed won’t tell, says Ibarra, who recommends opting for a bedframe that’s elevated so any vibrations won’t reverberate through the flooring. (An under-the-bed rug can also help here.) If you need a new mattress, opt for a cushy memory-foam model that will help absorb any sounds you do make, he says.

5. Buy More Eggs
For the foam, of course! Stick it between the bottom of your bedroom door and the floor. (A blanket or towels will work, too.) Apart from putting a physical barrier between your s*x sounds and others’ ears, the foam’s curves are similar to those of sound waves, helping trap and break up the sounds.

See the Evil Herbalist Who Brutally R*ped Three Underage Girls in Nasarawa State (Photo)

It is the end of the road for a randy herbalist after he confessed to have defiled the daughters of a man who accommodated him in his house.

The randy herbalist after he was caught

Men of the Nigerian Police have apprehended a 27 year-old man, Ibrahim Usabatu, for sexually abusing three under-age girls in Tudun Abu area of Lafia Local Government Area of the state.

Investigation by Northern City News revealed that the suspect, a herbalist, slept a mosque before he was accommodated by his victims’ family in Tudun Abu.

Usabatu admitted on Thursday in Lafia to have engaged in sexual intercourse with the children.

“I am in police custody because I raped three of my cousins. It happened as a mistake, it was the devil that pushed me to commit the crime,” he said.

The victims’ parents called on the police to ensure that justice is done in the matter.

One of the parents who spoke on condition of anonymity said she had for long suspected that Usabatu was having sexual intercourse with her daughter.

She said, “One fateful day when I saw my daughter, I started suspecting something between the two of them; in fact, I had been trailing him for some months.

“If we are inside the house, he would come outside and if we are outside he would remain inside pretending to be teaching the kids lessons.

“When I discovered what he was doing to the kids, I did not hesitate to ask my daughter, and she gave details of what transpired between her, the other two under-age girls and Usabatu.”

The Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Kennedy Idirisu, said the suspect would be prosecuted as soon as investigation was concluded.

He called on parents to “always put an eye on their wards.”

5 Ways to Help Him Last Longer in Bed

Help him help y
Being early, fast, or quick is definitely impressive in most areas in life, like reading or running…but not in s*x. In fact, if you’ve ever had s*x with a guy who finishes too quickly, you know how much of a bummer it can be for both of you. Sadly, it’s also extremely common, according to a new survey by Promescent, maker of the first FDA-approved treatment spray for premature Release.

Researchers at Promescent surveyed 502 men and women between the ages of 18 and 60 (most were in the 30-44 age range) for two surveys about s*x. The men answered questions like, “Are you able to help your partner achieve climax?” and “Do you feel p****graphy affects your s*x life personally?” The women answered questions like, “Are you able to achieve climax every time you have s*x?” and “Does your partner ever reach climax after having s*x for only five minutes?”

The results weren’t exactly uplifting. More than half of the women surveyed reported that their partners reach climax within five minutes, and 23 percent said they finished in just two minutes. It wouldn’t be so bad if we were just as fast, but the fact is, we take a little bit more time to get things going. In fact, only 22 percent of the women surveyed said they were able to climax every time they had s*x.

But luckily there are a few things you can do to help your guy hold out so you can both reach the finish line:

Suggest a Pregame
We know it sounds crazy but, before you meet up, tell your partner how hot it would be for him to self service to the thought of what you’ll be doing later on, says Emily Morse, Ph.D., host of s*x With Emily and co-founder of Emily & Tony. Why should he please himself without you? Morse explains that not only will it get him in the mood, but if he masturbates not long before he sees you, it can help him last longer when you’re together (as long as you know he’s not the kind of guy who can only go once a day). Just make sure he doesn’t have a solo session right before you get there, since he may need some time to recover for round two—a few hours should do the trick.

Let Him Watch You
Before having s*x, make self service part of your foreplay. “Tell him you want him to watch you touch yourself, he will love it,” Morse promises. Plus it will help you get a head start and close the climax gap so that you’re both on the same page once you’re having s*x.

Take Charge
“Most men are not eager to seek help when it comes to matters of their man-hood,” says Morse. “Perhaps he thinks it’s too embarrassing or shameful to talk to his doctor or his partner, leaving you scrambling to find solutions.” That’s why Morse suggests taking some of the initiative in this scenario. Start by suggesting moves like girl on top, which will help you control the pace (and slow it down if he’s getting too close). Or you can pick up some condoms or analgesic sprays like Promescent to help him last longer, says Morse. It’ll show him that you support him and want to help, and it’ll take some of the burden off of him.

Press Pause
When you’re having s*x and want to help him last a little longer, ask him to pause. “When you stop s*x and start again, it will allow him to cool down for a few before getting going again,” explains Morse. Let him know you want to experiment with the slightest bit of kink by practicing the art of withholding. Use this time to just kiss without touching, give each other massages, or grab some fun toys to play with.

Teach Him a Thing or Two
You know Kegels can help you have stronger orgasms, and a new study found those exact same exercises could also help men. Seriously. So teach him how to do man-Kegels—it’s an easy, medication-free way to help him control his erection.

Pastor Beheads 7-year Old Boy, Buries Head in Church Altar in Ikorodu

The suspect, Adedoyin Oyekan

The police in Lagos, on Thursday said they have arrested a pastor for allegedly beheading a seven-year old boy and burying his head in the church’s altar.

The command’s spokesman, ASP Olarinde Famous-Cole, confirmed the arrest to newsmen, stressing that the suspect was arrested with an accomplice at Ikorodu.

Famous-Cole said the policemen arrested one Eric, whose confession led to the arrest of the pastor and the recovery of the boy’s body.

“On investigation, one of the suspects, Eric confessed to the crime. He led a team of policemen to Odokekere/ Odogunyan in Ikorodu area to apprehend Oyekan, who later led the team to where the seven-year-old boy was beheaded and his head buried.

They hid the body inside canal. The two suspects involved have been arrested and the body and the head of the boy were brought to the station.

Investigation has commenced and the case would be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), Panti, Yaba, Lagos,” Famous-Cole said.

The pastor, identified as Adedoyin Oyekan and one Eric were arrested at Odokereke, Odogunyan of Ikorodu on Thursday.

Adedoyin Oyekan and his accomplice Eric

It was gathered that the suspects were rescued from being lynched by some angry residents of the area after committing the offence at 16, Apata Abo Street, Odokekere, Odogunyan.

Eric, who was said to be a friend to the victim’s father, allegedly stole the boy around 11AM on Wednesday, after his father left him in his care.

It was gathered the suspect was said to have taken the boy to the pastor’s church where they beheaded and buried him between 2AM and 4AM on Thursday.

When the victim’s father came back to take his son, Eric claimed he had sent him home.

Eric opened up during interrogation and led detectives to the pastor’s place where the child’s mutilated body was buried.

“The Ayangburin of Ikorodu, Oba Kabir Adewale Shotobi said he will make sure the accused are brought to justice,” a source told NAN.

Enjoy Awoof MTN 500MB Data (Confirmed Awoof)

For those of us who has been following this blog for sometime now, you would agree with me that we posted and enjoyed this plan from MTN called Quick WinD last year but it’s obvious that very few persons are aware of it hence we are coming up with this awareness to let more people know about it and how to get it on their respective MTN lines.
With MTN Quick WinD you get 500MB for just N100 . YES it’s as cheap as that. It is not a cheat or tweak, rather it’s an official data bundle provided by MTN to some select customers, in other words, it’s not meant for all MTN SIM cards. As you can observe, virtually all tech blogs in Nigeria are talking about this plan at the moment because it’s features cannot be overemphasized.
✔ Bundle cost 100 Naira for N500MB
✔️ The bundle can be use on all devices including the newly introduce nokia 3310 with operamin browser as well as all Android, iPhones, iPad, tablets, dongles, modem etc
✔ No VPN required or any tunneling applications
✔️ It works during the day and night
✔️ Validity period is 7days or 168hours
✔ It doesn’t supports all sim chip
✔ You should have at least N100 in your MTN line.
✔️ Then dial this code *446*11*4*7*5#
✔️ You will receive a confirmation message if it’s successful and your 500MB will be given to you.
Dial *559# or *559*2#
If you get “Y’ello, your subscription on Quick WinD 500MB fails”, lt means that sim is not eligible for the offer.
Try on another MTN sim card and pray it’s successful. Note, only few MTN lines are eligible for this offer

Drama As Nollywood Actor Caught With A Married Woman In A Hotel (see Photos)

Nollywood actor Wilson Joshua was caught with a married woman in a hotel at world bank owerri, the actor who is just coming to limelight, has featured in couple of movies and comedy skits, paid for a hotel room and lured one Mrs Jennifer.

The husband got a tipoff by a friend were he caught the young actor and he forced them to continue.

All of this happened in an ongoing movie being directed by Frank Anyanwu and starring other nollywood stars. The movie will be dropping soon.

7 funny but annoying questions Nigerians are fond of asking

Nigerians are just funny set of people who can ask the most annoying but funny set of questions you can think of.

Nigeria man laughing  (The sheet)

Nigerian can ask the most annoying yet funny set of questions.

A good number of us have either asked or have been asked these question at some point or the other. A lot of times, some people ask questions that can make you want to ask them if they are okay. I mean, why should someone be asking you the obvious.

Well, as much as these questions can be annoying, the sarcastic answers that come with them makes them really funny and hilarious. Here are some really ones.

1. You see identical twins, and then you ask

Are you guys twins

McClure Twins  (Bra Perucci)

No, it's picmix.

2. Your friend calls you and asks, where are you? and you answered at the ATM, and he asks you again, what is happening there?

A man using the ATM  (Video Blocks)

I am photocopying money.

3. You're watching a movie and then your friend asks you

Are you watching a movie?

A guy watching a movie on his laptop  (Shutterstock)

No, I'm actually discussing with the TV.

4. I mistakenly cut my thumb with razor blade and then someone asks

Why did you cut yourself?

Cutting your fingernails  (Real men)

I have too much blood, I want to reduce it.

5. My long time friend sees me, and she asks me, is that you?

No, it's my mother when she was young.

Friends greeting each other  (ABC news)

6. You see a woman who just gave birth and you then ask did you just give birth?

A woman carrying her baby  (Science news)

No, I bought the baby from eBay.

7. Someone sees you leaving a place and asks, are you leaving?

A guy going somewhere  (Stocksy)

No, I'm practising how to walk.

End of the road for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Due To Lack Of Sponsorship

Popular TV Quiz gameshow, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be going on a temporary hiatus, due to a lack of sponsorship. The show, whi...

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