[The Church Blog]: This throwback hymn will teach you the basics of Christianity

This hymn is as good as a throwback because I know the children of this generation will not be familiar with since they all grew up listening to Tim Godfrey and Frank Edwards. [Not like I’m so old anyways].

I remembered this hymn lately and as I meditated on the lyrics, I was exposed to a new perspective. That “rhema” moment yeah? As funny as it might sound, many of us who learnt this hymn as kids back in children’s church never knew that we had been given the secret to having a constant and effective relationship with God; more like a CHRISTIANITY 101. Maybe our children teachers never understood it themselves; who knows?

So enough of the suspense, the song goes thus;

“Read your bible, pray everyday

Pray everyday

Pray everyday

Read your bible, pray everyday

If you want to grow…”

After thinking through the hymn over and over again, I concluded that our growth as believers is hinged on our study of the word and how much commitment we give to praying. This is not a post to judge anyone for not giving enough time to the aforementioned but a call to give special attention to stop chasing inanities and give special attention to the things that are of eternal value.

So, whenever you feel stagnant or in need of some encouragement as regards your walk with God, you might want to spend a moment or two singing and meditating on this song.

Can we now share the grace in fellowship?

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