Story : The Engagement Affair ( 18 + ) {Season 1}

Episode 7
“…so you see what I’m going through” Nataniel said to Leah. They both sat at a table at a beach kiosk and watched the movement of people across the beach and in the water. Leah stared at him amused. “She’s just been a grade A bitch since she arrived last week. I’m getting fed up of her attitude.”
“You gotta take it easy on her” Leah replied, taking a sip of her fruit juice. Nataniel hadn’t touched his yet.
“Can you imagine the other day, I was even trying to be a bit nice to her.” Nataniel complained. “I got a little gift for her, just to show her I care, but I later found the same gift unopened in the trash.”
“That’s not nice.”
“I wish she was as nice as her sister.” He said.
Leah caught a hint of affection in his voice. She stared at her cousin and saw the glint peeking behind his eyes at the mention of Sofia.
“You like her very much, right?” she asked.
“Who? What? No!!!” he replied, averting his eyes from her gaze.
Leah placed a hand over his. “Tell me Nataniel. You know you could never hide anything from me. I could read you like a book.”
She paused. “You like her a lot, right?”
“Well…a little. She’s very kind and treats me like a human, unlike Emelia.”
“So if things were different, if you were to choose between the two, you would prefer Sofia?”
“Sure. Absolutely. One hundred percent. She’s a very nice lady. I wish it was her I was engaged to.”
“But she’s married.”
“Have you met her husband?”
“Nope. I never bothered to ask about him. I didn’t want to seem too forward.”
“Good. Just be careful though. Don’t go falling in love with her.”
“I’ll try.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a wet Anastasja. She had a surf board under her arm and a couple of guys in tow. They were all beaming and smiling.
“WHOOO!!!!! That was awesome!!” she yelled at her crew. “Hey guys! What’ya doing?”
She grabbed a chair from the next table and sat down.
“We’re gonna grab a couple of beers Ana.” The guys with her said. “You coming?”
“Nah. I’m staying here with these two.”
“Sure then. Hi there Leah.”
“Hey Matt. Hi Vlad.”
Matt and Vlad disappeared and Anastasja turned back to Leah and Nataniel.
“So what’s up with you two? You’ve really been missing all the fun.” She reached over and grabbed Nataniel’s drink and took a long sip from the straw.
“Anastasja, manners!!!” Leah retorted.
“Like you have any yourself. I don’t see Nataniel complaining.” She turned to him.
“Nah it’s okay. You can have it. I’ll go grab another. Would you like something else too?”
“Just get me another fruit squishy.”

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